Gauhati University Question Papers:POLITICAL SCIENCE (General) Paper 2 (Politics in India - II) (May-June’ 2015)

Gauhati University Question Papers
Paper 2 (Politics in India - II)
Full Marks: 80
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Answer either in English or Assamese
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
1. Answer the following as directed:                                       1x10=10

a)         Who presides over the Lok Sabha?
b)         What is Veto power?
c)          What is the name of the book written by M. V. Paylee?
d)         What is the total number of High Courts in India?
e)         The Council of Ministers can be dissolved if the _____ passes a vote of no-confidence. (Fill in the blank)
f)          The President has the right to issue _____. (Fill in the blank)
g)         The Indian National Congress was established in 1885 in the month of November/December/January. (Choose the correct answer)
h)         Financial emergency is declared under Article 360/361/362. (Choose the correct answer)
i)           The Janata Party was established in the year 1977/1978/1979. (Choose the correct answer)
j)           The word ‘secular’ was added to the Preamble of the Indian Constitution by the 42nd Constitutional Amendment of 1976. (Write True or False)
2. Write very short answers:                                       2x5=10
a)         What do you mean by the consolidated fund of India?
b)         Write two causes of growth of regional political parties.
c)          Write two miscellaneous powers of the Rajya Sabha.
d)         Write two powers of the Vice President of India.
e)         How is the Prime Minister of India appointed?
3. Write short answers (any four):                                            5x4=20
a)         Write a note on the constitutional position of the Prime Minister.
b)         Write the discretionary powers of the Governor.
c)          Write a note on the writ of Habeas Corpus.
d)         What is the ideology of the Bharatiya Janata Party?
e)         What are the features of coalition government?
f)          What is the composition of the Supreme Court of India?
4. Answer the following questions:                                          10x4=40
(a) Evaluate the emergency powers of the President.
What is the difference between Council of Ministers and the Cabinet? What is the function of the Union Cabinet?
(b) Discuss the role of the Prime Minister in the Indian political system.
What are the reasons for the decline of power of the Parliament?
(c) Discuss the power and functions of the High Court.
Discuss the power of judicial review of the Supreme Court of India.
(d) Discuss the problems and prospects of regional political parties in India.
What do you mean by Pressure Groups? What is its role?


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