[BA 3rd Sem Question Papers, Dibrugarh University, 2013, Mathematics, Major, Coordinate Geometry and Algebra - I]
(Coordinate Geometry)
(Marks: 27)
1. (a) What will be the equation of the line
when the origin is transferred to the point
(b) Transform the equation
referred to new axes through
rotated through an angle
Find the transformed equation of the curve
when the two perpendicular lines
are taken as coordinate axes.
2. (a) Interpret the situation for the straight lines given by
(b) Prove that the lines represented by
have the same pair of bisectors for all values of
. 2
(c) Show that the general equation of 2nd degree
represents a pair of parallel straight lines if
Find the condition that one of the lines given by
may be perpendicular to one of the lines given by
(d) If
represents a pair of lines, then prove that the square of the distance of their point of intersection from the origin is
represents a pair of lines, then prove that the product of the perpendiculars from the origin on these lines is 
3. (a) State True or False: A parabola has its centre at infinity. 1
(b) From the equation of the diameter of the conic
conjugate to the diameter
(c) Define a conic section. Reduce the equation
to the standard form. 1+5=6
Find the equation of the polar of a given point
with respect to the conic 6 
4. (a) State the intercepts made on the axes by the plane
(b) Find the equation of the plane through the points
and parallel to the y-axis. 3
(c) Write the equation of the line through the point
parallel to the z-plane. 1
(d) Put the equations
of a line in the symmetrical form. 5
Find the equation of the plane through the line
parallel to the line
5. (a) Fill up the blank: 1
If the shortest distance between two lines is zero, then the lines are ____.
(b) Find the shortest distance between the y-axis and the line 2
(c) Find the shortest distance between the lines
And the equation of the line that represents shortest distance. 5
Find the length and equations of the line of the shortest distance between the lines
(Algebra – I)
(Marks: 35)
6. (a) State True or False: 1
“A map
is invertible iff it is one-one into.”
(b) Give an example to show that a coset may not be a subgroup of a group. 1
(c) If
be a group of prime order
, then show that
has no proper subgroup. 2
(d) Answer any two questions: 3x2=6
- Show that an infinite cyclic group has precisely two generators.
- Let H, K be subgroups of G. Show that HK is a subgroup of G if and only if HK = KH.
- Let G be a group. Show that
where n is an integer and
7. Answer any two questions: 5x2=10
- Prove that the set of matrices
is a real number, forms a group under matrix multiplication.
- Show that if G is a group of order 10, then it must have a subgroup of order 5.
- State and prove Lagrange’s theorem.
8. (a) Define normal subgroup. 1
(b) If G is a finite group and N is a normal subgroup of G, then prove that 2
(c) If
be a homomorphism, then prove that Ker
is a normal subgroup of
9. Answer any one question: 4
(a) If
is a homomorphism, then prove that -
(b) If H and K are two subgroups which are not normal subgroups, then HK is a normal subgroup. Justify with an example.
Also Read: Dibrugarh University Question Papers
10. Answer any one question: 5
- Show that a subgroup H of a group G is normal in G if and only if
- Show that every group is isomorphic to a permutation group.
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