Dibrugarh University Arts Question Papers: GEOGRAPHY (Physical Geography) (Major) (May)' - 2017

[BA 2nd Sem Question Papers, Dibrugarh University, 2017, Geography, Major, Physical Geography]

2017 (May)
Course: 201
(Physical Geography)
Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 32/24
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions

1. Answer the following as directed:                                       1x8=8
a)      Orogenetic movement works in vertical direction. (Write True or False)
b)      The magnitude of energy released by an earthquake is measured by the Richter scale devised by Charles F. Richter in the year _____. (Fill in the blank)
c)       Peneplain is a resultant feature caused due to erosion/transportation/deposition. (Choose the correct one)
d)      Median moraine is associated with fluvial/glacial/arid cycle of erosion. (Choose the correct one)
e)      The vast grasslands of the world are generally found in _____ climatic region. (Fill in the blank)
f)       In which ocean Gulf Stream current is found?
g)      Mariana trench is located in _____ Ocean. (Fill in the blank)
h)      Who propounded the glacial control theory of the formation of coral reef?
2. Write answers of the following questions within 150 words each:                                         4x4=16
a)      Distinguish between Orogenetic and epeirogenetic movements.
b)      Write a note on trailies and dendritic drainage patterns.
c)       Write a note on soil erosion and conservation.
d)      Describe the importance of oceans as storehouse of resources.
Answer the following questions within 400 words each:
(Theories of Geomorphology)
3. What is isostasy? Discuss the concept of Airy on isostasy and mention the significance of level of compensation. 3+8+3=14
Discuss the plate tectonic theory of mountain building.                                  14
(Geomorphic Processes)
4. What is a karst region? Discuss about the development of the characteristic features of karst region.                     4+10=14
Give a detailed account of the landforms formed in arid cycle of erosion.                              14
5. What is zoogeographical region? Divide the world into different zoogeographical regions and describe about the assemblage of animals in each region.                                    4+10=14
What is soil? What are soil horizon and profile? Describe about the soil horizon with necessary diagram.     2+3+9=14
6. What is coral reef? Classify them on the basis of their origin. Illustrate the subsidence theory regarding the formation of coral reefs and atolls.                                     2+4+8=14
Describe the ocean currents of either the Atlantic ocean or the Pacific ocean.                     14


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