[BA 2nd Sem Question Papers, Dibrugarh University, 2013, Economics, Major, Macroeconomics]
2013 (May)
Course: 201
Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 32
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
1. Choose the correct answer: 1x8=8
- NNP at factor cost is
- Equal to national income.
- More than national income.
- Less than national income.
- None of the above.
- Which of the following is not a classical assumption?
- Perfect competition.
- Flexibility of prices and wages.
- Full employment only as a consequence of inflation.
- Deficiency in demand is impossible.
- Find out the incorrect statement:
- Keynes did not accept the classical view that economic system was self-adjusting.
- Keynes did not accept Pigou’s plea for wage flexibility as a means of promoting employment.
- Keynes believed that long-run equilibrium was more important than short-run equilibrium.
- Keynes held that the level of saving depended upon the level of income.
- Which of the following statements does not support Keynesian theory of employment?
- Employment depends upon effective demand.
- Effective demand depends upon aggregate demand and aggregate supply functions.
- Aggregate supply function is assumed to be given in the short-run.
- Aggregate supply function exceeding aggregate demand function expands employment.
- Which of the following is not a real investment?
- New capital stock.
- Construction work.
- Share capital of a company.
- Inventories.
- If
is 10 percent, the present value of Rs. 100 after 2 years will be about
- Rs. 90.91.
- Rs. 82.65.
- Rs. 120.
- Rs. 250.
- Which of the following will be helpful in removing disequilibrium in balance of payments?
- Increase in exchange rate.
- Restriction on export.
- Inflation.
- Devaluation.
2. Write short notes on any four of the following (within 150 words each): 4x4=16
- Limitations of the GDP estimate.
- Investment multiplier.
- Aggregate demand and aggregate supply.
- Balance of trade.
- Classical view on interest rate determination.
- Personal income and disposable personal income.
Answer the following questions (within 500 words each):
3. (a) What are the different methods used for measurement of national income? Explain the expenditure method of calculating national income. 2+10=12
(b) What is meant by circular flow of national income? Explain the process of circular flow of national income in a two-sector economy. 2+10=12
4. (a) Explain the classical theory of employment. On what ground has it been challenged by Keynes? 8+3=11
(b) Analyze Keynes’ departures from classical theory of employment. Describe the practical importance of Keynesian theory of employment. 8+3=11
5. (a) Illustrate the concept of consumption function diagrammatically. Why the consumption function curve tends to flatter to the right? 8+3=11
(b) What is marginal efficiency of capital? Explain the factors influencing marginal efficiency of capital. 6+5=11
6. (a) Explain the Keynesian theory of interest diagrammatically. Mention some of the criticisms leveled against this theory. 8+3=11
(b) Derive the IS and LM functions. How do they determine general equilibrium? 5+6=11
Also Read: Dibrugarh University Question Papers
7. (a) Distinguish between open economy and closed economy. Examine the openness of Indian economy. 3+8=11
(b) What is meant by disequilibrium in balance of payments? Discuss the cause of disequilibrium in the balance of payments. 3+8=11
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