[BA 3rd Sem Question Papers, Dibrugarh University, 2013, English, Major, History of the English Language, critical Terms and Classical Mythology]
(History of the English Language)
1. Answer any eight of the following questions: 1x8=8
- Which theory is associated with the name of Max Muller?
- Name the book in which Sir Richard Paget restated the gesture theory.
- What does the word ‘mutation’ mean?
- Who introduced the frequently used verbs ‘get’ and ‘take’ into the English language?
- Through which process have the words ‘bead’ and ‘villain’ undergone a change of meaning?
- Which dialect occupied an important position in the Middle English period?
- Give one example of a plural that was formed through the process of i-mutation.
- What did the word ‘silly’ mean in Anglo-Saxon times?
- How did the word ‘box’ derive its present meaning?
- What is a ‘closed’ syllable?
2. Write short notes on any two of the following: 5x2=10
- Euphemism.
- Effect of Reformation on the English language.
- Gradation.
3. Answer any one of the following questions: 12
- “English, as it is spoken and written today is still for the most part a Saxon tongue.” Elucidate.
- Write a note on the Scandinavian elements in Old English.
- Explain how new words have come into the English language in any four of the following ways: 3x4
- Onomatopoeia.
- The addition of suffixes or prefixes.
- Metanalysis.
- Corruption or misunderstanding.
- Freak formations.
- Back-formation.
(Critical Terms and Concepts)
4. Write short notes on any five of the following: 6x5=30
- Ballad.
- Chivalric Romance.
- Epic.
- Point of view.
- Gothic Novel.
- Biography.
- Burlesque.
- Elegy.
- Irony.
- Satire.
- Heroic couplet.
- Tragedy.
(Classical Mythology)
5. Show your acquaintance with any two of the following: 4x2=8
- Oedipus Rex.
- Muses.
- Achilles’ heel.
- Odysseus (Ulysses)
- Orestes and the Furies.
Also Read: Dibrugarh University Question Papers
6. Write brief notes on any six of the following: 2x6=12
- Venus.
- Hades.
- Artemis.
- Ceres.
- Mercury.
- Zeus.
- Cyclopes.
- Echo.
- Pan.
- Nemesis.
- Centaurs.
- Sphinx.
- Neptune.
- Achilles.
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