[BA 2nd Sem Question Papers, Dibrugarh University, 2015, English, General]
2015 (May)
ENGLISH (General)
Course: 201
Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 32
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
(Short Stories)
1. Answer any one of the following: 10
- Discuss the significance of the title of the short story. “The Last Leaf”. What lesson do you learn from it? 3+7=10
- “The ivy leaf was still there.” What role did Behrman play in making the ivy leaf stick to the vine? How did it help Johnsy to get cured of pneumonia? 4+6=10
2. Answer any one of the following: 10
- Narrate in your own words how Nambi enthralled the villagers of Somal with his stories.
- Do you think Nambi was divinely inspired or he was simply a talented storyteller? What reason can you ascribe for his failure to tell stories?
3. Answer any one of the following: 10
- “I managed to get his permission because of two unlikely events: a song and a walk.”
Discuss Vikram Seth’s experience in obtaining the permission from Chinese authorities to visit Tibet.
- Give a detailed description of the musical evening held in the courtyard of the university guesthouse. What was the response of the Chinese audience to the song sung by Mr. Seth?
4. Answer any three of the following: 2x3=6
- Give a brief description of the Greenwich Village.
- How did Nambi tell his age to the villagers?
- Give a brief description of the village temple where Nambi lived.
- What did Nambi do on Friday evenings in the temple when villagers turned up for worship?
- What does Seth mean when he says that Chinese officialdom treats the foreigner as a valuable panda?
- Why did the crowed laugh when Mr. Seth buys the ‘pipe’ from the woman in the market?
5. Give very short answers to any four of the following: 1x4=4
- Where did Johnsy and Sue set their studio?
- What is the full name of R. K. Narayan?
- What is the name of the fictional town created by R. K. Narayan?
- Name the village in the background of which the short story, “Under the Banyan tree” is written.
- What is the name of the companion who accompanied Mr. Seth to the market?
- What does the Chinese word Waibin mean?
6. Answer any one of the following: 10
- Recount in your own words the various experiences of Verrier Elwin on his pilgrimage to Tawang.
- Give a detailed account of Elwin’s travel from Bomdi La to Dirang.
7. Answer any one of the following: 10
- “In judging a man line Gandhi one seems instinctively to apply high standards, so that some of his virtues have passed almost unnoticed.”
Comment on the virtues of Gandhi that Orwell feels have passed unnoticed.
- Summarize Orwell’s views on Gandhi’s principle of non-violence.
8. Answer any one of the following: 10
- What role did religion and theology play in the formulation of theories of the universe?
- What is Edwin Hubble’s observation as to the beginning of the universe?
9. Answer any three of the following: 2x3=6
- Present a brief description of the Monpa people from your reading of “A Pilgrimage to Tawang”.
- What was sometimes ‘a real embarrassment’ for Verrier Elwin during his travel to Tawang?
- What does Orwell think about the Gandhian ideas like homespun cloth, sour force, and vegetarianism?
- What does Orwell mean by Gandhi’s vanity?
- What are the two basic partial theories by which scientists describe the universe?
- What was Aristotle’s view regarding the earth?
Also Read: Dibrugarh University Question Papers
10. Give very short answers to any four of the following: 1x4=4
- From which book is the essay, “A Pilgrimage to Tawang” extracted?
- What is Getompa?
- Who is the author of the book, A Passage to India?
- Who is the author of the book, Gandhi and Stalin?
- What, according to the old lady, supports the world?
- Who has discovered the theory of gravity?
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