Course: 501
[Logic (Indian and Western)]
Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 32
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
1. Find out the correct answer: 1x8=8
- Vyapti is of two/three kinds.
- Kevalanvayi is a kind of Inference/Vyapti.
- Method of residues in Deductive/Inductive.
- There are four/five valid moods in First figure.
- ‘Radhakrishnan is a Philosopher.’ This is a subject-predicate proposition/class-membership proposition.
- According to quality, there are two/three kinds of propositions.
- If
is true and
is false, then the truth value of
is true/false.
- There are three/four stages of hypothesis.
2. Write short notes on (any four): 4x4=16
- Sesavat Anumana.
- Implicative Proposition.
- Fallacy of Undistributed Middle.
- Hypothesis Concerning Agent.
- Method of Concomitant Variation.
3. What is Anumana according to Nyaya philosophy? Explain the different types of Anumana. 4+8=12
What do you mean by Vyapti? Explain its different types with illustrations. 4+8=12
4. What do you mean by Traditional logic? Explain its relation to Modern logic. 3+8=11
Discuss the history of Modern logic.
5. Determine the truth-value of the following statements by constructing truth table: 3+2+3+3=11
What is sample proposition? Write its different types with examples. 3+8=11
6. What is categorical syllogism? Explain the figures of syllogism with diagrams. 3+8=11
What is Venn diagram? Test the validity of the following two arguments by using Venn diagram technique: 3+4+4=11
- AEE – in First figure.
- IAI – in Fourth figure.
7. Define hypothesis. Discuss the conditions of valid hypothesis. 3+8=11
Explain the method of Agreement with example. 11
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