Dibrugarh University Arts Question Papers: PHILOSOPHY (Major) (Contemporary Indian Philosophy) ' May 2015

Course: 601
(Contemporary Indian Philosophy)
Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 32
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. Find out the correct answer:                  1x8=8
a)      For the contemporary Indian thinkers self-realization is / is not a state of dissociation of the self from the universe.
b)      The ultimate reality according to Swami Vivekananda is Personal God / Saccidananda.
c)       Iqbal believes in monotheism / polytheism.
d)      The concept of Brksaropana and Halakarsana is associated with Tagore / Radhakrsnan.  
e)      Compromise / Acceptance is cardinal principle of universal religion according to Vivekananda.
f)       According to Aurobindo, the realm of reality has been divided into two hemispheres-higher and lower / upper and lower.
g)      The function of intellect according to Radhakrsnan is Synthesis / Analysis.
h)      The truth is an ontological / ethical category according to M. K. Gandhi.
2. Write short notes on any four of the following:                             4x4=16
a)      The concept of Absolute in the philosophy of Vivekananda.
b)      Three phases of reality in the philosophy of Aurobindo.
c)       Tagore as an environmentalist.
d)      The nature of Absolute from Radhakrsnan’s standpoint.
e)      Gandhian concept of God.
3. Answer the following:
(a) Write on ‘positive outlook’ and ‘the new approach to salvation’ as two salient features of contemporary Indian Philosophy.                        4 ½ +4 ½ =9
      Discuss the ‘humanistic tendencies’ and ‘reconciliation of theism and absolutism’ as the characteristics of contemporary Indian Philosophy.           4 ½ +4 ½ =9
(b) What do you mean by practical Vedanta? Explain in detail the neo-Vedantic religion of Vivekananda. 3+10=13
      “God is the ultimate ego. There is no ego or reality outside His existence.” Explain Mohammad Iqbal’s conception of God in the light of this statement.                     13
(c) Explain the synthesis of Purna Yoga after Aurobindo.                               11
      Discuss integralism of Sri Aurobindo.
(d) Present R. Tagore as a philosopher poet.
      “Religion for Radhakrsnan is a spiritual change.” Explain Radhakrsnan’s view of religion with reference to this statement. Is religion opposed to science for him?                  10+3=13
(e) Give an explanatory note on M. K. Gandhi’s concepts of ‘Swaraj’ and ‘Swadesi’.                        5+5=10
      “From the individual’s point of view religion is disciplining the self and socially viewed it is social service.” Explain Gandhi’s religion in practice in the light of this statement.


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