Course: 502
(Logic - Western)
Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 32
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
1. Find out the correct answer: 1x8=8
- A proposition by itself is/is not an argument.
- No valid standard form categorical syllogism with a particular conclusion can have two particular/universal premises.
- When the truth value of
is true and the truth value of
is false, then the truth value of
will be true/false.
- The symbolic expression of the phrase ‘there is at least one
such that’ is
- The relation between universal and existential quantification is expressed through square of proposition/opposition.
- The method of agreement/difference is based on the canon of elimination that whatever antecedent can be left out without prejudice to the effect can be no part of the cause.
- In analogy, we pass from particular to general/particular to particular.
- “The ground of induction is itself a result of induction” is a statement of Bain/Mill.
2. Write short notes on any four of the following: 4x4=16
- Relational proposition.
- Existential fallacy.
- Rules of replacement.
- Symbolization of singular proposition.
- Hume’s problem of induction.
3. What do you mean by sound argument? Explain the differences between Traditional logic and Modern logic. 3+8=11
Explain the square of opposition of propositions with suitable example. 11
4. Define syllogism. Explain any four general rules of syllogism. 4+8=12
Test the validity of the following syllogistic forms by means of a Venn diagram: 3x4=12
- AAA in the Second Figure.
- EIO in the Third Figure.
- AEE in the First Figure.
- IAI in the Fourth Figure.
5. Construct truth table for the following and find out whether they are tautologies, contradictions or contingent expressions: 2+2+2+2+3=11
Construct formal proof of validity for the following: 5½x2=11
6. What do you mean by predicate logic? Explain the rules of universal instantiation and existential generalization with examples. 3+8=11
Symbolize the following propositions by using quantifies: 2+2+3+2+2=11
- Men are all bird lovers.
- Nothing is both right and wrong.
- Not any atheist believes in God.
- A few students are meritorious.
- There are green cloths.
7. Explain probability. What are the grounds of probability? Explain them. 5+6=11
State and explain the joint method of agreement and difference after J. S. Mill. 11
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