Dibrugarh University Question Papers: Indian Financial System (May' 2017)

2017 (May)
Course: 603
(Indian Financial System)
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
(New Course)
Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 24

1. Fill in the blanks:                                          1x4=4
a)      Financial institutions are also termed as ____.
b)      Commercial Banks Scheme, 1970 provides that the board of directors of nationalized banks will be composed of ____ members including chairman.
c)       The Treasury bill is government ____ for a short period usually of 91 days duration.
d)      Primary market refers to the long-term flow of funds from the surplus sector to the government and ____ sector through primary issue of equity and debts.
2. State whether the following statements are True or False:                                      1x4=4

a)      Commercial Bills are one of the instruments of money market.
b)      Bull, Bear, Stag and Lame Duck are the speculators who are active on Stock Exchange of India.
c)       Merchant bankers undertake the function of purchase and sale of securities of the investors and provide portfolio management.
d)      Capital market deals with buying and selling of short-term investible fund.
3. Write short notes on (any four):                                           4x4=16
a)      Marketable securities.
b)      Management of Reserve Bank of India.
c)       Role of NABARD in rural development.
d)      Need of Central Bank in India.
e)      Primary Market vs. Secondary market.
f)       Commercial paper.
4. What is financial system? Discuss the major components of Indian financial system.                    4+10=14
Discuss about the regulatory reforms in the Indian banking system.                         14
5. Mention the causes of interest rate reforms in respect of Indian commercial banks since 1991. Discuss about the pattern of interest rate reforms in the post-liberalized era.                                          9+5=14
“Regional rural banks are important financial institutions of the rural credit structure of India.” Comment              14
6. What do you mean by financial markets? Who are the participants in financial markets? Why do they participate in financial markets? Explain.                                           4+3+7=14
What do you mean by New Issue Market (NIM)? Mention the characteristics of NIM. Explain the role of New Issue Market in Indian financial system.                                            3+4+7=14
7. Discuss the role of mutual funds in the financial market of India. Mention the problems of mutual funds in the country.                                 8+6=14
Mention any two functions of SEBI. Explain the powers and functions of SEBI regarding protection of the interests of the investors.
(Old Course)
Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 32
1. Fill in the blanks:                                          1x4=4
a)      NABARD was established in the year ____.
b)      The Reserve Bank of India is managed by ____.
c)       Treasury Bills are instruments of ____ market.
d)      Mutual funds were first started in ____ during 19th century.
2. State whether each of the following statements is ‘True’ or ‘False’:                                    1x4=4
a)      Financial market comprises of Capital Market and Money Market.
b)      Seasonal diversity is one of the defects of Indian money market.
c)       Price stability is not an objective of monetary policy of Reserve Bank of India.
d)      The main function of mutual funds is to mobilize the savings of the general public and invest the same in the stock market securities.
3. Write short notes on (any four):                                           4x4=16
a)      Weaknesses of Indian financial system.
b)      Lender of last resort.
c)       Internet Banking.
d)      Portfolio management.
e)      Advantages of mutual funds.
f)       Underwriting.
4. Explain how financial system of a country acts as a catalyst to economic development and also highlight the significant changes in Indian financial system.                                          7+4=11
What do you mean by financial system? Discuss the various components of a developed financial system. 3+8=11
5. Explain the credit creation process of the commercial banks. Mention some of the limitations of the process. 7+4=11
Discuss the recent developments that have been taken place in the activities of the commercial banks. What challenges do they face from the private sector banks?                                                              7+4=11
6. Explain the significance of the functions of the Central Bank as a banker’s bank and as bankers to the government. 11
What is Cash Reserve Ratio? Discuss the salient features of the latest monetary policy of RBI.                     2+9=11
7. What do you mean by financial markets? Mention about the instruments of financial markets. Explain the role of financial markets in India financial system.                                                                           3+4+5=12
What is Merchant Banking? What are the functions of merchant bankers? How can merchant banking be more popular and effective?                                                                           3+4+5=12
8. Define Stock Exchange. Mention its characteristics. Explain the role of SEBI and its weaknesses in the development of Indian capital market.                                                    2+3+6=11
Discuss the role of Stock Exchange in the Indian financial system.                              11