2016 (August)
Course: 304
(Principles of Marketing)
Full Marks: 90
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
1. Answer as directed: 1x5=5
- Write one of the differences between ‘marketing’ and ‘selling’.
- Mention one of the objectives of ‘marketing’.
- ‘Discount’ and ‘Rebate’ are same. (Write True or False)
- State one of the demerits of waterways.
- The modern concept of marketing is based on the ideas of ‘Profits’. (Write true or false)
2. Write short notes on: (any four) 5x4=20
- Marketing environment.
- Trade Marks.
- Warehouse.
- Personal Selling.
- Packaging.
3. (a) Discuss the traditional and modern concept of marketing. 6½ x 2=13
(b) What do you mean by marketing mix? Discuss the factors affecting marketing mix. 4+9=13
4. (a) Explain the nature and scope of ‘Consumer behaviour’. 6½ x 2=13
(b) Discuss the bases for Market segmentation. 13
5. (a) What do you mean by Product development? Discuss the various stages involved in the development of a new product. 4+9=13
(b) What do you mean by ‘Product life cycle’? Explain briefly the different stages of Product life cycle. 4+9=13
6. (a) Give the meaning of ‘Price’ and ‘Pricing’. Explain the importance of Pricing. 2+2+9=13
(b) What is meant by ‘Promotion Mix’? Discuss the factors determining the promotion mix. 4+9=13
7. (a) What is Channel of Distribution? Describe the significance of Channels of distribution in marketing management. 4+9=13
(b) Write an explanatory note on ‘Inventory Control’. 13