Business Communication II Solved Question Paper 2016
Dibrugarh University
2016 (May)
COMMERCE (General/Speciality)
Course: 201 (Business Communication-II)
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks
For the questions
(New Course)
Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 24
1. Selected the correct alternative: 1x4=4
a) The skill of report writing can be acquired by
i. Mastering the craft of writing.
ii. Learning the scientific process of investigation, analysis and presentation.
iii. Identifying the problem.
b) Presentation can be made effective by
i. Not using demos.
ii. Knowing your audience and the place and occasion of your talk.
iii. Serving food and drinks during the talk.
c) During an interview, a candidate should keep in mind:
i. Bluffing the interview board may help him.
ii. Take up a ‘you’ attitude for the company.
iii. Neglect non-verbal communications coming from the interview board.
d) Listening can be made effective by
i. Evaluating the speaker.
ii. Being a silent listener.
iii. Avoiding preconceptions and prejudice.
2. State whether the following statements are True or False: 1x4=4
a) The resume to be enclosed with an application letter need not give all the details of academic qualifications, achievements and experience. False
b) A report usually has descriptive, expository or narrative sentences. True
c) A job application letter is written to sell one’s services. False
d) Presentations are delivered with audiovisual aids. True
3. Answer the following questions in about 100 words each: 4x4=16
a) Define business report and its essentials.
Ans: According to Murphy and Peck a business report is an impartial, objective, planned presentation of facts to one or more persons for a specific, significant business purpose.
Qualities of a Good Report
1. Good Report has a Clarity of Thought.
2. Good Report is complete and Self-explanatory.
3. Good Report is Comprehensive but Compact.
4. Good Report is Accurate in all Aspects.
5. Good Report has Suitable Format for readers.
6. Good Report Support Facts and is Factual.
7. Good Report has an Impersonal Style.
b) What are the characteristics of a good speech?
Ans: Characteristics and importance of a good speech: A good speech must bear the following characteristics.
a) Clarity: A good speech should be clear to the audience or listener. A speech must be successful to attain its objective by making a clear expression.
b) Informal talk: A good speech should be like a chat between two intimate friends. There should be perfect contact between speaker and audience.
c) Live and concrete: A good speech is lived in nature and contains concrete facts which are easy to understand.
d) Short: Audience on an average cannot concentrate more than fifteen to twenty minutes. So, speech should not be longer than this unless the audience wants more.
e) Interesting: A good speech is an interesting one which involves quotations, anecdotes and humor. Quotations should be original and anecdote should be new and brief. Whereas humors should be genteel with good taste.
f) Audience oriented: A good speech is always audience oriented. It considers the age, sex, religion, social and economic view of the listener and makes it communicative.
g) Beside the above criteria a good speech also bears quality like relevance of facts, timely presentation and objective orientation.
c) How is paralanguage close to verbal communication?
Ans: Para‟ means „like‟. Para language means „like language‟. Paralanguage is the area of non-verbal communication that emphasizes body language and voice nuances as means of expressing thoughts and feelings. People normally use paralanguage multiple times per day and are sometimes not even aware they are doing so. It is non-verbal communication because it does not comprise words but it is closely related to verbal communication.
It is „like‟ verbal communications because it is related to ways the words are spoken. Without it words do not convey their intended meaning. While verbal communication consists of „what‟ or the contents of words, paralanguage involves the „how‟ of a speaker’s voice or the ways in which the speaker speaks. Example of paralanguage is voice, words stress etc.
d) Define Proxemics. How does it help in the comprehension of a message?
Ans: Proxemics or Space Language: Non verbal communication involves not only body language and Para language but also the space around us Proxemics is the study of how we communicate with the space around us. The space here means the distance between the sender and receiver of the message in oral communication. This distance is called proximity.
Proxemics is also concerned about the use of space by groups of people. Different people make use of space around them in different ways. The way a group uses the space assigned determines their respective position and interaction pattern. For example: people seated in front are considered to be bold and are the ones who initiate the conversation. Fixed and semi fixed spaces have important implication in communication. Let us analyse it further.
Fixed spaces: Fixed spaces refer to permanent features like room, walls, and buildings and its total capacity, length, breadth etc. These features determine who interacts with whom, why, how and for what purpose.
Semi Fixed Species: Semi fixed spaces refer to physical features which are not permanent and can be changed or re-arranged. For example, furniture decor etc. In other words semi fixed spaces are flexible that permits the use of a variety of spaces to conduct different types of communication. For example, some furniture can be arranged or rearranged as per the need of communication.
4. (a) What is business report? Discuss its various types. 4+10=14
Ans: Report is a self-explanatory statement of facts relating to a specific subject and serves the purpose of providing information for decision making and follow up actions. It is a systematic presentation of ascertained facts about a specific event / subject. Report is a summary of findings and recommendations about a particular matter / problem. Report is for the guidance of higher authorities including company executives and directors. Reports facilitate timely decisions and follow up measures. According to Oxford Dictionary, report means "a record of ascertained facts."
According to Murphy and Peck a business report is an impartial, objective, planned presentation of facts to one or more persons for a specific, significant business purpose.
Reports Travel upwards to supervisors and management policy-makers, downward and horizontally to those who carry out the work and policies, and outward (outside the firm) to stockholders, customers, the general public and government officials. A report may be written or oral, but most significant reports are written. The report facts may be pertained to events, conditions, qualities, progress, results, investigations, or interpretations. They may help the receiver(s) understand a significant business situation, carry out operational or technical assignments, and / or plan procedures, solve problems and make executive decisions.
Types of Business Reports
The following tree shows the various types of reports that have been mentioned in this writing:
1) Oral and Written report: Reports are of two types mainly – oral and written. The basis of an oral report depends on the facts seen or observed, and it is a piece of face to face communication. If it is not recorded, it is as transient as any other oral communication. It is time-saving for the reporter, but it is time-consuming for the receiver as the receiver has to listen to every word of the report. On the other hand, a written report is comparatively more precise and permanent. It gives the reader an opportunity to just go through it, or only read the abstract or the conclusions or recommendations of it. It is more formal than an oral report and can be referred to over and over again.
2) Formal and Informal Report: Written reports may be formal or informal. Informal reports have a friendly way of transferring information from person to person within an organization. They do not have a rigid formal. They can be written in the letter form on a sample sheet of paper or in a prescribed format in the form of a memorandum. Formal reports are official reports. They are prepared in a prescribed form according to the official procedure and presented to the appropriate authorities. The language and structure is specific and pre-defined.
3) Routine reports and special reports: On the basis of frequency of issue, reports may be routine or special.
Routine reports: These are reports that are repeated over a period of time. They usually have a fixed format. They may be submitted annually, quarterly, monthly, weekly or even daily. Generally such reports contain statistical data or brief information without any opinion or recommendation. Branch reports, annual reports etc, are all examples of routine reports.
Special reports: As distinguished from routine reports, special reports deal with a certain specific issue or situation, like a report on labour strike.
4) Informative and analytical reports: on the basis of function a report can be informative and analytical.
Informative reports: Informative reports are given when certain information has to be given to someone who needs it. They give a matter-of-fact representation of the situation. These generally pertain to meetings held, any incident situation, etc. Informative reports are given as a part of assigned duty or when asked for. Informative reports can use informal language and can include explanatory details that are relevant.
Interpretative or analytical reports: These reports are written after a thorough investigation and analysis of a given problem or situation. They play a major role in the decision-making process as they influence the managerial decisions with their recommendations and suggestions. They are similar to informational reports, only with an addition of the writers’ view. Interpretive reports are usually submitted for topics which require a far-seeing action to be taken. An interpretive report would always have suggestions or recommendations from the writer, which may or may not be accepted by the management. Reports for computerization of activities, introduction of a new product, etc. could be classified under interpretive reports.
5) Individual and committee reports: On the basis of people responsible for writing the report we can have reports by individuals and reports by committees. Individual reports are the reports prepared by one person concerned with a specific work area or department. Committee reports are reports prepared by a committee or sub-committee that is formed to work on a particular problem. The report is submitted collectively by the members of this committee after a careful study and signed generally by the chairman of the committee.
(b) What is proposal? What guidelines may be kept in mind while drafting a proposal? 4+10=14
Ans: Proposals: A Proposal can be defined as an offer document presented to undertake work affecting the future of an organisation. Usually a proposal is given for any additions or amendments to be incorporated within a business framework. Proposals are also tools of communication but in a different sense. They do not just give the facts but also a probable solution to a particular problem or situation. They can be written to people within or outside an organisation.
How a Proposal is drafted?/STEPS IN WRITING PROPOSAL
Although proposals contain some elements of a report, their structure conforms more to the AIDA formula of a sales letter (Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action). Like writing sales letter, the purpose of writing proposal is persuasion. Like drafting other written material, the writing of proposal can be divided into following three stages:
1. STEP ONE: PREWRITING: At this stage, the writer of proposal should pose the following questions and find their answer in the proposal:
1) What is the purpose of the proposal?
2) Who is the audience and what are their needs and motivations?
3) How can you catch the reader’s attention?
4) What results or outcomes would the reader like to have?
5) What background research is needed in writing the proposal?
While identifying the purpose of the proposal, the writer should attempt to know why the client needs to know about the proposal. In the light of user’s purpose, the writer can tailor the proposal. He has to identify the audience and their needs and motivation. The audience can be upper management, board of directors, immediate boss, etc. Identification of audience is essential because the proposal should appeal to their self-interest whether they want to save time and money or increase profit or simplify procedures.
2. STEP TWO: WRITING: Usually the companies have a standard format for proposal as it simplifies the job of organizing and outlining the document. The standard proposal format contains the following headings:
1) Background of the situation.
2) Description of the problem in hand.
3) Approach to the problem.
4) Methodology and research:
A. Methods of gathering data.
B. How research would be conducted.
5) Expected results:
A. Proposed outcomes.
B. Specific actions steps.
6) Time and cost requirements:
A. Budget for proposed work.
B. Estimated time for completion.
For writing proposal, there are standard formats with suitable headings and subheadings that facilitate the reader to understand quickly. But the writer should bear in mind that he is not presenting the facts in simplified way, but to persuade the reader to accept his ideas and approach. Therefore, he can deviate from the standardized approach and tailor the proposal to the specific needs and purposes of the reader. While writing first draft, he should:
Ø Write in logical way in simple but appealing language.
Ø Avoid detailed explanations or technical facts unless the client asks for them.
Ø Present the ideas with marshaled arguments.
Ø Keep the length of proposal minimum to avoid distracting readers’ attention.
Ø Write in terms of readers’ needs and purposes.
3. STEP THREE: REVISING: In this final stage of proposal writing the writer should review and revise every part of the proposal. For this he should:
Ø Check and recheck all facts about the client’s situation.
Ø Ensure that the tone of the proposal is optimistic.
Ø Assure the reader that you have appraised the problem realistically.
Ø Proofread it carefully to ensure that the written contents are free from grammatical and spelling errors.
If the proposal convinces the reader that the writer carefully and clearly understands the problem the presents the information after thorough research, there are chances of its better sale of idea. But ultimately the acceptance of a persuasive message depends on the writer’s; credibility and the receivers’ perception of direct benefits.
5. (a) What roles do body language and voice qualities play in your presentation? 7+7=14
Ans: Body Language: The word kinesics literally means body movement. It stands for the way the body communicates without words, and through various movements of its parts. Communication through body movements is called body language. Body language is a type of nonverbal communication that relies on body movements (such as gestures, posture, and facial expressions) to convey messages. Body language may be used consciously or unconsciously. It may accompany a verbal message or serve as a substitute for speech.
Importance of Kinesics:
1) The importance of kinesics can be put brought forward by the words of famous psychologies Paul Ekman who says, “We talk with our vocal cord but we communicates with our facial expression, tone and pitch of voice, our whole body.”
2) The importance of body language lies in the fact that one can play fast and loose with words but body language speaks truth.
3) When managers consciously read what others are conveying by body movement, they can easily deal with issues before their become problem.
4) Non-verbal communication is also important because it is efficient. A message can be very well transmitted more economically than any other means of communication.
Role of different parts of body in Communication:
1. Head: Head occupies a very important place in our body. Similarly it also plays a very important role in communication. The way we hold our head conveys a lot. The movement of head is very important in face to face communication. Posture of head conveys:-
i. A head held up: Sign of honour, self respect and self confidence.
ii. A head bent low: Sign of modesty, politeness, or guilt.
iii. A stiffly head, held or drawn back words: Sign of pride, or naughtiness.
2. Face: A popular states „the face is the index of mind‟ i.e. the face is the mirror of mind. The face is indeed the primary site for expressing emotions. It reveals both the type and intensity of the feeling. Facial expression conveys a lot without speaking a single word. A manager can very well practice to interpret these signals by first observing his own expression in a mirror.
3. Eye Contact: Eye command particular attention as a source of non verbal communication. Eyes communicate our deepest feeling. In face to face communication eye contact is of great importance. They are especially effective for indicating attention and interest, influencing others, regulating interaction and establishing dominance. Eyes adopt different position in different situations such as:-
i. Fixed eye: Show concentration.
ii. Raised eyes: Indicate fear or surprise.
iii. Smiling eyes: Reflect happiness.
iv. Long fixed gaze: Show interest.
v. Evasive eyes: Nervousness or lack of interest.
4. Gestures: The physical movement of arms, legs, hands, torso and head are called gestures. They also play a very important role in conveying meaning or messages without using words, examples:-
i. Pounding fist on the table shows „anger‟
ii. Arms spread apart means wide.
iii. Shuffling from one leg to another means nervous or restlessness etc.
5. Body shape and postures: Behaviourial scientists have studied the shape of the human body and have broadly put there in the following three types:-
i. Ectomorph: thin, youthful and tall.
ii. Mesomorph: strong, athletic and muscular.
iii. Endo morph: Fat round and soft.
A person can make both positive and negative impression of himself or others through his body posture. Therefore we should make efforts to ensure that our body does not send out wrong or negative signals especially during interview, meeting and other formal or informal interactions.
6. Attire and Appearance: Our choice of color, clothing, hairstyles, and other factors affecting appearance are also considered a means of nonverbal communication. According to what people see when they first set their eyes on you, judgments about your personality and abilities are going to be concluded. "Quality is more important than quantity" - This really applies here as well. It is really pivotal to dress up properly for any business or job offer we may encounter. One shouldn't focus on wearing too much accessories, jewellery and make up. What is very vital is the physical appearance and the proper hairstyle.
Role of voice in Business Communication
Voice: Voice is the most important element of Para language. Voice tells us about the speaker’s sex, age, background, education; temperament etc. voice conveys the message in a more effective way. However these points have to be considered.
i. Pitch variation: Pitch means highness or lowness of sound i.e. quality of sound. Wide variation in pitch should be made during a speech. This is essential and helps in catching the attention of the listener and maintaining the interest in the speech.
ii. Speaking speed: The speaking speed should neither be too fast nor too slow. The speed should be such which ensures fluency. As a rule the easy parts of the messages should be delivered at a brisk pace as it is likely to be understood easily. On the other hand, the difficult complicated, technical part of the message should be delivered at a slower rate.
iii. Pause: Pause is an important aspect of speech. One cannot and should not go on speaking without pause. But pause have to be at the right moment. A pause at the right moment can be very helpful in emphasizing the upcoming subject. Where as an arbitrary pause or unnecessary frequent pauses spoils the speech.
iv. Variation in volume: an efficient speaker varies his volume while delivering his speech. Volume means loudness of voice. Volume variation puts life into one’s speech. However the loudness of voice should be adjusted according to the size of the audience. While speaking one should be loud enough to be audible but not too loud to put the audience off.
v. Non fluencies: speech is not always a continuous string of meaningful words. There are pauses scattered at intervals. These pause are very often inserted with sounds or utterances like „ah‟, „oh‟, „uh‟, „hum‟, „you know‟, ok etc. These sound or utterances are called „Non fluencies‟. These non fluencies if used carefully and sparingly add to the fluency of the speaker, gives him time to breathe or relax and makes the listener more alert and gets the message conveyed overtly or covertly.
a) No oral communication is complete without voice.
b) A speaker education and background can be judged from his way of speaking.
c) Voice of a person indicates his place in hierarchical structure of the organization.
(b) What strategy would you adopt to make a sales presentation? Write a note on the use of visual aids in a presentation. 6+8=14
Ans: Sales Presentation: A Sales presentation is that presentation whose main objectives it to sell some goods and services. A sale presentation is a type of conversation. The sales representative uses questions to determine the buyer’s needs, probes objections and gains temporarily and then final commitment to the purchase. Sales presentations are persuasive in nature and therefore, presentation must be unique and audience focused. Although a strong sales presentation cannot ensures sales success, but it will build credibility and support to help the presenter reach sales objectives. Following factors to be taken into consideration before making sales presentation:
a) Audience Analysis: Effective presenter generally analyzes his / her audience minutely. Improper audience analysis leads to ineffective presentation. The style of the presentation is largely dependent upon the types and size of the audience.
b) Communication Environment: Communication environment affects the effectiveness of the sales presentation. Much of the audience notices the physical things surrounding the speaker, the stage, lighting arrangement, background, ventilation etc. Proper arrangement of these things can enhance the impact of the presentation.
c) Personal Appearance: Personal appearance of the speaker has great impact on the audience. Well dressed up person can attract and motivate people. Therefore, the speaker should wear neat and clean clothes and take time to check his / her appearance just before starting presentation.
d) Use of Visuals: Visuals can enhance the professional image of the presentation. Use of visuals can make a presentation more credible and more interesting. The presenter should check the equipment in advance before presenting.
e) Opening and Closing Presentation: The beginning and closing of a presentation are the positions of emphasis. Those presenters, who can open the presentation with interesting remarks, are likely to create more interest and enthusiasm for listening the presentation. Similarly, the ending of the presentation has profound impact on the audience.
f) Organization of Presentation: Clarity in presentation is essential that comes with proper organization of the information. Proper organization of presentation enhances the effectiveness of the presentation. On the other hand, improper organization of the presentation will not influence the audience.
g) Language: The quality of presentation is affect by the language. To make the audience understand the message, the speaker has to talk in the language known to the audience. To enhance the impact of presentation, he / she should choose the catchy words that appeal to the heart and emotions of the audience.
h) Quality of Voice: Quality of voice of the presenter affects the effectiveness of the presentation. Voice modulation is likely to have greater impact upon the audience whereas monotonous voice will bore the audience.
i) Body Language: The effectiveness of the presentation is also affected by the body language of the speaker. A speaker having eye contract with audience in likely to impress more that a speaker reading out the hand outs. A speaker who look more at the audience is judged as better informed, more experienced, more honest, more confident, the friendliest than a speaker who delivers the speech with less eye contract.
j) Answering Questions: The effectiveness of presentation is also affected by presenter’s skill in handling questions asked at the end of presentation. A speaker who answers the audience’s questions and handles hostile questions with tact is likely to influence the audience more. On the other hand, a speaker who answers rudely will leave negative impact upon the audience.
Use of Visual Aids in Business Communication
Communication is the most important tool of social existence and survival. An individual who is able to put his point across effectively, often lands up being successful in his endeavors. Communication is a complex process and needs to be planned in such a manner that the information being given is not only heard attentively at the other end, but is also remembered. In other words, communication should make a long-lasting impact on the people in question. One of the most important tools of effective communication is the use of various visual aids such as diagrams and graphs, power point presentation, videos etc., in order to enable a more in-depth understanding of the subject. What we see, does actually have a more profound effect on our ability to grasp information, rather than what we read or what we listen to. Visual aids in significant in the process of communication because of the following reasons:
a) It saves time because visual aids effectively pass a message to the audience within a short time.
b) Visuals ensure that the messages are clear and unified.
C) Visuals helps the viewer retain the message clearer than if it were in written form.
d) Visuals help in simplifying complex data.
e) It removes the language barrier.
f) It is effective and popular method of communication because audience love watching images, gif, graphic videos rather than listening to words or an advertisement.
6. (a) What is the difference between hearing and listening? How can listening be made effective? 4+10=14
Ans: Difference between hearing and listening
Hearing | Listening |
It is a physical ability and not a conscious act. | It is a skill and is a conscious act (Psychological) |
Everyone hears unless there is a physical disability | Not everyone listens. |
Perceiving sound by the ear | Making an effort to hear and it involves reception, analysis, interpretation and response |
It is an Involuntary act. | It is Voluntary act. |
In case of hearing, We hear sound and noise but do not understand much | In case of listening, we understand what is being said or heard |
Does not need focus. | Needs focus and care. |
Hearing uses only one of the five senses which is hearing. | Listening uses hearing, seeing and sometimes the sense of touch too. |
It is Passive in nature. | It is Active in nature. |
How Communication can be made effective
Listening is very important aspect of communication. Around 20% of overall communication is listening. Therefore, one should strive for adopting good listening habit. There are following guidelines for good listening:
1. Preparation before listening: As already mentioned that listening plays important role in communication. So one should prepare himself before starting listening. In preparation, there are following guidelines:
(i) Stop talking: - Human brain can perform one activity efficiently at a time, so during listening there should be no talking by the listener.
(ii) Remove distraction: - Noisy fan, traffic noise, entrance of unauthorized persons may interrupt the listening process. All these barriers should be removed.
(iii) Good environmental conditions: - There should not be extraordinary cold or warm environment and ventilations should be proper.
2. Listening to understand, not to refute: There could be many topics to which the listener has reservations. Apart from these reservations, the listener should try his best to understand the message.
3. Focusing the attention: There may be many objects on which the listener should construct a mental outline of where the speaker is going in his speech.
4. Concentration on context: The listener should keep in mind the background and theme of speech. This thing enables him to absorb the material quickly and efficiently.
5. Taking notes: Listener should keep on taking notes. Hence, he should jot down ideas rather than sentences. In this way, he/she could make the message safe for a long time.
6. Curbing the impulse to interrupt: One should avoid interrupting the speech until the speaker invites questions. This habit puts the speaker and listener both at ease.
7. Asking questions: Asking right question on right time is quite different form interruption. Listener should have an idea to know right time to ask questions.
8. Summary & evaluation: The listener should summarize and speech but not during listening process.
(b) “A good manager needs to listen at least as he need to talk. Too many people fail to realize that real communication goes in both directions.” Comment on it by highlighting the importance of listening. 14
Ans: Listening is an essential part of spoken communication. Speaking and listening go together and oral communication cannot be effective without proper listening. Poor listening defeats the very purpose of spoken words. Listening is a deliberate effort and is much more than hearing. It requires getting the full meaning of what is being said.
Listening effectively takes skill, self-motivation, and practice. Effective listening means concentrating on what the speaker says rather than on how it is said. Lack of attention and respectful listening can be costly - leading to mistakes, poor service, misaligned goals, wasted time and lack of teamwork.
Reasons for Effective Listening
a) To avoid Misunderstandings: we will be able to avoid misunderstandings by becoming an active listener. We will also be able to do things right the first time when you listen effectively. Problems are solved quicker by being an "active listener".
b) To Get along Better with Others: Listening actively will show that you sincerely care. It is a very high compliment when we listen to others, because it gives the speaker the sense of self worth and confidence.
c) To will learn more About the World: Television, radio, and conversations aid in our understanding. The more knowledge we gain, the more we will enjoy the things around us.
d) To be more successful on the Job: Our grades and interest in job will increase as a result of effective listening. Many jobs require good listening skills such as telephone operators, nurses, doctors, auto mechanics, teachers, lawyers, etc.
Listening means receiving message in a thoughtful manner that leads to an understanding of the meaning in the messages. It is important because of the following reasons:
1) Most important part of communication process: Listening is the most frequent activity of the human being as well as the important event the communication process. About one-third of human communication is spent in speaking, writing and reading. As a man climbs the ladder of his career, his time spent on listening increases. It is not untrue to state that more than 50% of the working days of an executive is spent in listening to someone.
2) Vital role in career success: Listening skill plays a very vital role in the career success, whether as a general manager, sale person, personnel manager etc. It helps a salesman to discover the needs of the people and market his products and services efficiently and effectively. The manager who can listen to his subordinate attentively and effectively can understand his needs and problems and can better motivate him for higher performance.
3) Misunderstandings rule than exceptions because of poor listening: A good listener rarely involves himself in controversies and misunderstanding. A misunderstanding arises mostly because of poor listening. Neutral words, attempting to communicate positive message can convey negative and opposite message, if the listener possesses wrong perceptions and prejudices. Effective listening requires clear mind and heart free from negative emotion.
4) Building Trust: Proper listening assures the speaker that the listener is sincere and can be trusted. With this, the doors of free communication are opened and interpersonal influence is accelerated. We trust people who listen to us and we are more open to their influence, guidance and persuasion.
5) Listening and learning: Learning is so intimately related to listening that one may almost say: No listening no learning. Our minds and hearts are more receptive for learning new ideas and opinions, if we pay little more attention to our listening habits. In present day ‘Learning Organizations’, where employees and executives are supposed not only to learn new things but also to learn how to learn at accelerating rate, listening plays dominating role in enhancing the learning of different level people.
6) Effective Speaking: Good listeners are often the best speakers because they have taken the time to find out what people are truly interested in. A good listener is always in a better position to express his ideas and views.
7) Effective leadership: Effective listening is essential for effective leadership. A good listener is always in a better position to deal with the problems of his subordinates and build a good relationship.
8) Understanding the people and the world: It helps us to understand the people and the world around us. In present world, effective listening is essential to the development and survival of the organisation.
7. (a) Draft a resume as a commerce graduate which you may use for applying for the post of Accounts Assistance in a commercial organization. 14
NAME : Tushar Barua
ADDESS : Examination Hall, Tinsukia College, Tinsukia (Assam)
DATE OF BIRTH : xx/xx/1993
AGE : 26 years
2010 | HSLC | SEBA | A NEW HIGH SCHOOL | 79% | I |
2012 | H.S 2ND YEAR | AHSEC | TINSUKIA COLLEGE | 86% | I |
S.No | Organisation | Position held | From | To |
1 | XML Pvt. Ltd. Guwahati | Accountant | 1/11/2016 | 7/11/2017 |
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills
- Working knowledge of Tally, GST Excel, MS-Word.
- Games secretary of Tinsukia college student Union (2014-2015)
- Winner of Inter –college Debate Competiton (2014-2015)
Hobby: Interacting with people, reading books, cricket etc.
Language Known: Hindi, English, Bengali, Assamese.
I solemnly declare that all the above information’s are correct to the best of my knowledge.
Date: 06/05/2018 Tushar Barua
(b) Respond to the ad: 14
Wanted a Call Centre Operator. Graduate/Undergraduate, with or without experience, fluent in English, Hindi and Assamese willing to work out of Assam and accept night duties. International standard training will be given. Apply in confidence to Box ASM – 1187. The times of India.
6th May, 2018
The Manager
Human Resource Department
XYZ Ltd, Guwahati
Subject: An application for the post of Call Centre Operator.
This is in response to your advertisement in ‘The Times of India regarding the post of Call Centre Operator. I wish to apply for the same post.
I am outgoing, deligent and open to learning and have good knowledge of tally and GST. I have all the requisite qualification and experience. I did my graduation from Gauhati Commerce College, Guwahati in Commerce stream. I worked as a part time accountant in XML Pvt. Ltd. Guwahati for 1 year. I want to enhance my knowledge and grow in my career my working in your company as a call centre operator.
As regard my qualification and experience, I am enclosing my bio- data for your kind consideration. I shall be available for an interview on any day of your convenience. If selected I shall discharge my duties with utmost devotion and sincerity to your full satisfaction.
Yours sincerely
Tushar Barua
1. Testimonials
2. Bio- data
NAME : Tushar Barua
ADDESS : Examination Hall, Tinsukia College, Tinsukia (Assam)
DATE OF BIRTH : xx/xx/1993
AGE : 26 years
2010 | HSLC | SEBA | A NEW HIGH SCHOOL | 79% | I |
2012 | H.S 2ND YEAR | AHSEC | TINSUKIA COLLEGE | 65% | I |
S.No | Organisation | Position held | From | To |
1 | XML Pvt. Ltd. Guwahati | Part time accountant | 1/11/2016 | 7/11/2017 |
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills
- Working knowledge of Tally, GST Excel, MS-Word.
- Games secretary of Tinsukia college student Union (2014-2015)
- Winner of Inter –college Debate Competiton (2014-2015)
Hobby: Interacting with people, reading books, cricket etc.
Language Known: Hindi, English, Bengali, Assamese.
I solemnly declare that all the above information are correct to the best of my knowledge.
Date: 06/05/2018 Tushar Barua