Principle of Business Management May' 2016 | Dibrugarh University (2nd Semester)

[Principles of Business Management, Dibrugarh University, B.Com 2nd Sem, Question Papers, Semester Exam, May' 2016]

2016 (May)
Commerce (General/Speciality)
Course Code: 204
Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 80
1. Answer the following as directed:
a)      Who first propounded the principle of ‘esprit de corps’?         1
b)      Write the full form of MIS.      1
c)       ‘Zero-based budgeting’ technique was first used in ____. (Fill in the blank)          1
d)      ‘Functional foremanship’ was introduced by ____. (Fill in the blank)        1
e)      State two limitations of planning.           2
f)     Centralization’ and decentralization’ are used in the same sense. (Write True or False)           1
g)  State one distinction between formal organization and informal organization.    1

2. Answer briefly any four of the following questions:       4x4=16
a)      What kind of role does a good plan play in business management?
b)      Briefly explain the aims of departmentation.
c)       Briefly state the relationship between ‘division of work’ and ‘specialization’.
d)      Write a short note on ‘systems approach’ of management.
e)      Explain the features of ‘line and staff’ organization.

3. (a) How would you define the term ‘business management’? Describe its significance.    6+8=14
(b) Evaluate the contribution made by F. W. Taylor to the growth of management thought. 14
4. (a) What do you mean by ‘decision-making process’? Explain its different techniques.  4+10
(b) What are the fundamental principles of planning in business management? Discuss its importance. 6+8=14

5. (a) Describe the nature and process of organizing?                      7+7=14
(b) What do you mean by ‘span of management’? Discuss its significance.            6+8=14

6. (a) Explain Abraham Maslow’s theory of motivation.                                  14
(b) Briefly discuss the concept and process of managerial control.             7+7=14

Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 32
1. Answer the following as directed:
a)      POSDCORB was introduced by ____. (Fill in the blank)         1
b)      Father of scientific management is            1
                                 i.            Henry Fayol
                               ii.            Louis Allen
                              iii.            F. W. Taylor
(Choose the correct one)
c)       ‘Motion study’ is a part of ____. (Fill in the blank)         1
d)      ‘Esprit de corps’ is a basic principle of scientific management. (Write True or False)           1
e)      Who initiated the concept of ‘management by objectives’?                         1
f)       Who developed the concept of ‘functional organization’?                            1
g)      Mention two features of a good plan.          2

2. Write short notes on (any four):            4x4=16
a)      Planning premises.
b)      Budget.
c)       Herzberg’s theory of motivation.
d)      Qualities of a good leader.
e)      Limitations of planning.
f)       Formal and informal organizations.

3. (a) Discuss the nature and scope of business management.                   6+6=12
(b) Describe the ‘contingency approach’ of management.          12

4. (a) Discuss elaborately the different techniques of decision making.                   11
(b) Discuss briefly the advantages and limitations of ‘management by objectives’.           5.5 + 5.5=11

5. (a) What do you mean by ‘span of management’? Explain its significance.                        4+7=11
(b) Briefly discuss the different bases of departmentation.                                                          11

6. (a) What do you mean by ‘motivation’? Discuss its importance in business management.   4+7=11
(b) Write an explanatory note on ‘leadership styles’.                                                                  11

7. (a) Briefly describe the different steps of managerial control with the help of suitable diagram.    11
(b) Explain the essential requirements of an effective control system.                                    11