[Banking Notes, AHSEC, Class 12, Chapter wise Notes, Financial Market, Revised Syllabus]
Unit – 3: Financial Market
1. What is a financial market? Mention
its components. 2008,
Ans: It refers to a market which creates and exchanges financial
assets and credit instruments such as cheques, bills, bonds, deposits etc. It
is divided into two parts: Money market and capital market.
2. What are financial assets?
Ans: It refers to the financial instruments or securities. For
e.g. shares, debentures, treasury bills, commercial paper etc.
3. What is floatation cost?
Ans: The expenditure incurred in issuing the securities is called
floatation cost.
4. What is a zero coupon bond?
Ans: It is a financial instrument for which no interest is paid
but is issued at a discount redeemable at par.
5. State the components of capital
Ans: a) Primary market b) secondary market.
6. Name two buyers of Commercial
Ans: a) Banks b) Insurance companies.
7. What is meant by “Near Money?”
Ans: All very short term securities are called near money for e.g.
marketable securities.
8. What type of trade-off function is
performed by the money market?
Ans: The money market establishes a balance between short term
financial supply and short term financial demand.
9. Name the instruments that are
traded in money market. 2013
Ans: Call money, Commercial Papers, Certificates of deposits,
Bills of exchange.
10. Name the instruments that are
traded in capital market.
Ans: Stocks, Shares, Debentures, Bonds, GDR (Global Depository
11. Name the institutions operating in
the money market.
Ans: Central Bank, Commercial banks, Non-bank financial
12. Name the institutions operating in
the capital market.
Ans: IDBI, IFCI, ICICI, Stock exchanges.
13. In which year NSEI and BSE were
established? 2015
Ans: NSEI – In 1991 and BSE – In 1875. But, NSEI was recognized in
14. In which year OTCEI was
Ans: 1990
15. Write the full form of NSEI, BSE
and OTCEI. 2008
Ans: NSEI – National stock exchange of India (Nifty)-Nov, 1992
BSE – Bombay Stock Exchange (Sensex) – 1875 (Oldest Stock exchange
of India)
OTCEI – Over the Counter Exchange of India – October, 1990
16. State two promoters of NSEI.
Ans: a) Industrial development bank of India (IDBI) b) Life
insurance corporation of India (LIC)
17. How many stock exchanges are there
in India?
Ans: There are 24 stock exchanges in India.
18. Name two advisory committees set
up by SEBI.
Ans: a) Primary market Advisory committee. b) Secondary market
advisory committee.
19. What is price rigging?
Ans: It refers to the manipulation of prices of the securities by
agents/company for their own profits.
20. On what lines was OTCEI started?
Ans: It was started on the lines of NASDAQ (National Association
of securities Dealers Automated Quotation)
21. Name the system where there is
electronic book entry form of holding and transferring the securities.
Ans: Dematerialisation.
22. What is ‘Demutualisation of
Ans: It separates the ownership and control of stock exchanges
from trading rights.
23. Name the Benchmark index of BSE.
24. Stock exchange is called economic
Ans: True
25. State the segments of NSEI.
Ans: a) Wholesale debt market b) Capital market segment
26. State one development function of
Ans: to carry out research work.
27. Capital Market is the market for
long term funds and money market is the market for short term funds? T/F
Ans: Given statement is true. 2010,
2012, 2013
28. Give some examples of Primary
assets and secondary assets.
Ans: Primary assets include shares, debentures and bonds and secondary
assets include mutual funds, bank deposit, insurance etc.
29. What are government
securities or gilt edged securities market?
Ans: In this market, market issue gild edged securities such as TBs, Bonds and dated securities to raise money from public.
30. What is industrial
securities market?
Ans: It refers to market for issue of securities for existing as
well as new companies.
31. What is Sensex and Nifty?
Ans: Sensex: It is a Market Capitalisation Weighted index of 30
stocks representing a sample of large, well-established and financially sound
companies. It is the oldest index in India.
Nifty: It is diversified weighted index of 50 stock from 23
sectors of the economy. It is used for benchmarking fund portfolios, index
based derivatives and index funds.
LONG QUESTIONS (3/5/8 marks)
Also Read:
1. HS 12 Banking Chapter wise Notes
2. AHSEC Class 12 Banking Question Papers From 2012 Till Date
3. AHSEC Class 12 Banking Solved Question Papers From 2012 Till Date
4. Banking Chapter wise MCQs
5. Class 12 Banking Important Questions and Question Bank
Q.1. What is financial market? What
are its components? Mention its functions. 2015,
Ans: Meaning of Financial
Market: Financial market is simply a link between the savers and
borrowers. It can be defined as an institution that facilitates exchange of
financial instruments and credit instruments such as cheques, bills, deposits,
loans, corporate stocks, government bonds, etc. The main participants of
financial markets are financial institutions, agents, dealers, brokers,
borrowers and savers.
According to Brigham "The place where people and organizations
wanting to borrow money, are brought together, with those having surplus funds
is called a financial market".
This definition makes it clear that a financial market is a place where
those who need money and those who have surplus money are brought together.
They may come together directly or indirectly through brokers and dealers.
Types of
Financial Markets (sub-markets) 2007,
2009, 2011, 2013, 2014
firms, individuals and institutions need finance for its expansion and day to
day operating activities. Financial needs may be of two types – short term or
long term. Based on these needs, financial markets are divided into two
a) Money market – Market for short term funds (2012, 2017)
b) Capital market - Market for long term funds (2013, 2016)
Role and Functions of financial market
a) Mobilisation of savings: Financial market
encourages savings habits amongst the individuals. It mobilizes savings of
savers into most appropriate uses.
b) Channelization of
savings: It meets the various credit needs of the business houses by
channelizing the savings of savers towards the entrepreneurs.
c) Liquidity: It provides liquidity of financial assets by providing ready market for
buying and selling of securities.
Securities can be easily converted into cash in financial market.
c) Price discovery: It
facilitates price discovery. Prices of securities in financial market are
decided by the forces of demand and supply of financial assets in financial
e) Economic development:
It assists in the process of economic development of a country. it helps in
balanced regional and sectoral distribution of investible funds.
Q.2. What is money market (99, 02, 05,
10, 15,)? Explain its nature and functions. 2017,
market is a place where money and short term financial assets which are close
substitutes of money are traded. It mainly deals in cash or near money or
liquid assets of short-term nature. It also deals in treasury bills (TBs),
Commercial bills, Commercial paper (CP), ADRs, GDRs, Call and Short money
market etc.
to the RBI, "The money market is the centre for dealing mainly of
short character, in monetary assets; it meets the short term requirements of
borrowers and provides liquidity or cash to the lenders. It is a place where
short term surplus investible funds at the disposal of financial and other
institutions and individuals are bid by borrowers, again comprising
institutions and individuals and also by the government."
From the
above explanation, we can say that money market is a market for short term
funds meant for use for a period of one year or less. The major participants of
money market consist of the government, commercial banks, Life insurance
companies, Mutual funds, Non-banking finance companies, stock exchange brokers
of Money Market: The salient features of money market are as
follows: 2020
a) Flow of
short-term funds: The money market brings together the lenders who have surplus
funds for short-term and the borrowers who are in need of short-term funds.
b) No fixed
geographical location: There is no fix geographical location of money market.
Different name is given to money market located in different areas.
c) Participants:
The major participants of money market consist of the government, commercial
banks, Life insurance companies, Mutual funds, Non-banking finance companies,
stock exchange brokers etc.
d) Instruments: It deals in money or instruments which are a
close substitute of money such as treasury bills (TBs), Commercial bills,
Commercial paper (CP), ADRs, GDRs, Call and Short money market etc.
e) Sub-markets
or components: Money market consists of many sub-markets such as call money
market, collateral loan market, acceptance market, bill market, treasury bills
market etc.
f) Reasonable
access: Money market provides reasonable access to users of short-term funds to
meet their requirements on reasonable terms or rates of interest.
g) Source of
working capital: Money market constitutes a major source of working capital
finance for borrowers.
Significance/Functions of Money Market
The major
functions of money market are given below:
(a) Economic
Development: The money market helps in economic development of a country by
providing short term funds to both public and private institutions without any
(b) Funds for
government: Money market helps the government in borrowing short term funds at
very low interest rate. This can be done by issuing treasury bills.
(c) Return on
idle funds: Money market helps the lenders to earn return on their idle or
surplus funds for short period.
(d) Implementation
of Monetary Policy: Money market helps in implementing monetary policy of the
central bank of any country.
(e) Mobilisation
of funds: The money market helps in transferring funds from one sector to
another. The development of trade, commerce and industry depends on the
mobilisation of financial resources.
(f) Connecting
link between various financial market: Money market acts as a connecting link
between all the segments of financial market like capital market, foreign
exchange market etc.
Q.3. Explain the various Money market
instruments. (Important for Business
Studies exam only)
Ans: Money market is the short term security market. Following are
the instruments dealt in money market.
a) Treasury bills: T-bills short term
government security ranging from 14 days to 364 days issued by RBI on behalf of
the government to meet its short-term financial needs. No fixed interest in
payable on Treasury bills. Normally TBs are issued at the lowest interest rate
agreed on competitive bidding. These bills are negotiable instruments and
freely transferable.
b) Commercial Paper: Commercial papers are
unsecured promissory notes issued by highly creditworthy companies to raise
funds for short term. It usually has a maturity period of 15 days to one year.
CPs are normally issued at a discount and redeemed at par. The commercial banks and mutual funds are the
main investors of commercial papers.
c) Call money and short notice money: Call
money refers to money given for a very short period ranging from 1 day to 7
days. Surplus funds of the commercial banks and other institutions are usually
given as call money. Banks are the borrowers as well as lenders for the call
funds. If the loan is given for one day and can be called back on demand, it is
called money at call but if the loan cannot be called back on demand and will
require 3 days notice, it is called money at short notice. Money at short notice
can be of maximum 14 days.
d) Certificate of deposit (CD): Certificate of
deposit is a time deposit having a maturity period from 91 days to 12 months.
CDs are issued only by a bank. It is a bearer certificate which is freely
transferable and can be sold in secondary market. Banks are not allowed to
discount these documents.
e) Commercial bills: These are the trade bills
which are drawn at the time of credit sales by the Drawer (Supplier) and
accepted by the Drawee (Debtor). It is an acknowledgment of debt normally
having a maturity period of 90 days. It is a negotiable instrument and can also
be endorsed from one person to another.
It can also be discounted with the bank before maturity.
Q.4. Write a brief note about the
structure of Indian money market. What are its important constituents?
Ans: The Indian
money market is composed of two categories of financial agencies:
The Organised Sector: The sector contains will
established financial instruments. The RBI at the apex is the lender of the
money market and controls the banking sector. The scheduled and non-scheduled
commercial banks in the private as well as public sector, foreign banks, post
office savings bank and co-operative banks are parts of this sector.
The Unorganised Sector: The unorganised sector
contains agencies which have diverse policies, lack of uniformity and
consistency in the lending business. It includes indigenous bankers, money
lenders and chit funds. The indigenous bankers are known as shroffs, multanis,
chettiars, etc. The unorganised sector lacks scientific organisation, being
orthodox in approach, stagnant and ill-organised.
OF INDIAN MONEY MARKET 2010, 2012, 2015,
2017, 2019
Following are the important components of the
money market:
Call Money Market: The call money market
refers to the market for extremely short period, say one to seven days. These
loans are repayable on demand or control. The borrowers are required to pay the
loans as and when asked for. There is no demand for collateral securities on
call money.
Collateral loan market: Collateral loans are
loans which are offered against collateral securities like stocks and bonds and
the market is known as the collateral loan market. Collateral loan market is
geographically most diversified.
Acceptance market: Acceptance market refers to
the market for banker’s acceptance involved in trade transactions. This market
deals with banker’s acceptance which may be defined as a draft drawn by a
business firm upon a bank and accepted by it. A banker is requiring to a
certain sum of money to a particular party or to the bearer on a specific date
both within India or abroad.
Bill Market: It is a market in which
short-term papers or bills are bought and sold. The most important types of
short-term papers are the bills of exchange and the treasury bills. In bills of
exchange market, trade bills and promissory note are traded and in treasury
bills market, TBs issued by RBI on behalf of government are traded.
Q.5. What are the characteristics/Defects
of Indian money market. 2016
Ans: The distinguishing features of Indian money market are given
below: 2007, 2009, 2011
Existence of Unorganised Money Market: The
Indian money market is dichotomized into organised and unorganised sectors.
Existence of unorganised market is the major defect of Indian money market
because such organised markets are not under the control of RBI.
Lack of co-ordination: The Indian money market
may be characterized as loose and unbalanced because there is no co-ordination
between the organised and unorganised sectors.
Disparity in interest rates: The rate of
interest charged by the commercial banks, co-operative banks and financial
institutions for the same kind of loan may be different. This was mainly due to
lack of mobility of funds from one segment to another.
Different lending policies: There is a wide
divergence not only in the structure of interest rates, but also in the lending
policies of the different financial institution.
Inadequate control by the RBI: The RBI has
inadequate control over the functioning of unorganised sector of the Indian
money market.
Instability and inelasticity: The instable and
inelastic Indian money market acts as a great hindrance to the rapid economic
development of the country.
Lack of proper bill market: Indian traders
prefer Hundies, rather than draw of bills of exchange. The reason for this is
that there is no proper bill market or discount market for short term bills of
No Banker’s acceptance: There is no development
of banker’s acceptance or acceptance of credit by the banks in India.
Banking gap: Banking facilities are inadequate
in villages of India. Large commercial banks have a largely urban orientation
in India.
Seasonal diversity of Indian money market:
Seasonal diversity is also a big problem of Indian money market. October to
June is a very busy period for money market because of festive season and
product of crops but the remaining period is not so busy.
Discuss about the institutions participating in the Indian Money Market. 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017
Ans: Major Participants in the
Indian Money Market is given below:
1) The Central Government:
The Central Government is an issuer of Government of India Securities (G-Secs)
and Treasury Bills (T-bills). These instruments are issued to finance the
government as well as for managing the Government’s cash flow. T-bills
and G-Secs are issued by RBI on behalf of the government to meet its short-term
financial needs.
2) Commercial Banks: Commercial banks are
major participants in money market. Certificate of deposits are issued by banks
in money market. Then invest in government securities to maintain their
statutory liquidity ratio. They also participate in call and term markets both
as lenders and borrowers.
3) Life Insurance Companies: Life
Insurance Companies (LICs) invest their funds in G-Sec, Bonds or short term
money market instruments. They have certain pre-determined thresholds as to how
much they can invest in each category of instruments.
4) Mutual Funds: Mutual
funds also invest their funds in money market and debt instruments. The
proportions of the funds which they can invest in any one instrument vary
according to the approved investment pattern declared in each scheme.
5) Non-banking Finance Companies:
Non-banking Finance Companies (NBFCs) invest their funds in debt instruments to
fulfill certain regulatory requirements as well as to invest their surplus
funds. NBFCs are required to invest 15% of their net worth in bonds which
fulfill the SLR requirement.
Q.7. What is Capital Market? What are
its components? Explain features and importance. 2014, 2016, 2020
Ans: Capital
Market is generally understood as the market for long-term funds. This market
supplies funds for financing the fixed capital requirement of trade and
commerce as well as the long-term requirements of the Government. The long-term
funds are made available through various instruments such as debentures,
preference shares and equity shares. The capital market can be local, regional,
national, or international. 99, 04, 08,09,11,14
The capital market is classified into two
categories (Components), namely,
Primary market or new issue market, and
Secondary market or stock exchange.
Features of Indian Capital Market 2015,
a) Dealing in
Securities: It deals in long-term marketable securities and non-marketable
b) Segments:
It included both primary and secondary market. Primary market is meant for
issue of fresh shares and secondary market facilitates buying and selling of
second hand securities.
c) Investors:
It includes both individual investors and institutional investors such as
Mutual funds, banks, Insurance companies etc. It also includes foreign
institutional investors.
d) Link
between savers and investment opportunities: Capital market is a crucial link
between saving and investment process. It facilitates flow of long term capital
from those who have surplus capital to those who need capital.
e) Intermediaries:
It acts through intermediaries which includes bankers, brokers, underwriters
f) Government
rules and regulations: The capital market operates freely but under the
guidance of government policies. These market functions within the framework of
government rules and regulations.
Functions and Importance
of Capital Market
Availability of funds: Capital market helps to
raise long term funds from both domestic and as well as foreign institutional
Mobilization of savings: Capital market
mobilizes the savings of individuals and institutions to productive channels.
It facilitates flow of long term capital from those who have surplus capital to
those who need capital.
Industrial growth: it plays a significant role
in the economic development of a country. It facilitates increase in production
and productivity in the economy and hence enhances the economic welfare of the
Stability in security prices: The Capital
market tends to stabilize the values of stocks and securities and reduce the
fluctuations in the price to the minimum. The process of stabilization is
facilitated by providing capital to the borrowers at a lower interest rate and
reducing the speculative and unproductive activities.
Liquidity: It provides liquidity to investors
in capital market. The securities issued through the primary market are traded
in the secondary market which provides liquidity to the investors and also
short-term as well as long-term yields on their investments.
Promotion of economic growth: The capital
market not only reflects the general conditions of the economy, but also
smoothens and accelerates the process of economic growth. Various institutions
of the capital market allocate the resources rationally in accordance with the
development needs of the country.
Balance between demand and supply: It bring
about balance between demand and supply of capital by creating a link between
those who demand capital and those who supply capital.
Attracting foreign capital: Capital market
helps in attracting foreign investments. The Indian capital market provides the
channel through which foreign institutional investors and NRIs ca invest their
funds in the securities of Indian companies.
Q.8. Distinguish between Capital
market and Money market. 09, 12, 14, 15,
2016, 2019
Ans: Difference between capital market and money market
Basis of Distinction |
Capital Market |
Money Market |
Period |
Capital market is a market for medium and
long term funds. |
Money market is a market for short term
funds. |
Constituents |
These include new issue market, stock
market, stock brokers and intermediaries. |
These include call money market, bill market
and discounting market. |
Participants |
Individual and institutional investors
operate in the capital market. |
Only the institutional investors operate in
the money market. |
Instruments |
The instruments in the capital market
include shares, debentures, bonds etc. |
Trade bills, certificate of deposits,
commercial papers etc. are the instruments of money market. |
Liquidity |
The instruments of capital market always
take time to convert into cash. |
The instruments of money market have very
high degree of liquidity. |
Safety |
Investments are unsecured due to high
volatility in market. |
Investments are safe as compared to capital
market. |
Regulation |
Capital market is primarily regulated by the
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) |
Money market is regulated by the Reserve
Bank of India (RBI) |
Q.9. What is primary and secondary market
(Stock Exchange – 2015)? State four differences between primary market and
secondary Market.
Ans: Primary market (2014,2016) which is also called new issue
market represents a market where new securities i.e. shares, debentures and
bonds that have never been previously issued are offered. It is a market of
fresh capital. The main function of this market is to facilitate the transfer
of funds from willing investors to the entrepreneurs who need funds. but with
the changing time, the nature of primary market is also changing. There exist
two types of primary market:
a) Market
where firms issue securities for the first time through Initial Public Offer
b) Market
where firms which are already trading in secondary market raise additional
capital through Seasoned Equity Offering (SEO).
Secondary market also called stock exchange
represents a market where existing securities i.e. shares and debentures are
traded. Its main function is to create a link between the buyers and sellers of
securities so that investments can change hands in the quickest and cheapest
According to Securities Contract (Regulation)
Act, 1956, the term stock exchange has been defined as, “an association,
organisation or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not, established
for the purpose of assisting, regulating and controlling business in buying,
selling and dealing in securities.”
Thus, a stock market is a market where
dealings in the listed securities are made by the members of the exchange on
their own behalf or on behalf of others.
From the above explanation it is clear that
there are some differences between primary and secondary market which are given
Basis |
Primary Market |
Market |
1. Meaning |
It is the market where the securities are
issued for the first time. It is also referred as New issue market. |
It is the market where the existing
securities are traded. It is also called stock Exchange. |
2. Price determination |
The prices of the securities are determined
by the company. |
The prices of the securities are determined
by the forces of demand and supply of the securities. |
3. Buying and selling |
Here, only buying of the securities take
place. |
Here, buying and selling of the securities,
both take place. |
4. Participants |
Securities are sold by the company directly
to the investors. |
Securities are traded by the investors.
Company is not involved in trading. |
5. Purpose |
Purpose of primary market is to provide
capital for setting new business. |
The main purpose of secondary market is to
provide liquidity to the investors. |
6. Capital formation |
Primary market promotes capital formation
directly. |
Capital market promotes capital formation
indirectly. |
Q.10. What is stock exchange? Mention
its features. “Stock exchange is the barometer of the economy” In the light of
the statement, discuss the functions of the stock exchange.
A stock exchange is highly organised financial market where the second hand
securities can be bought and sold. Its main functions are to create a link
between the buyers and sellers of securities so that investments can change
hands in the quickest, cheapest and fairest manner. Under the Securities
Contract (Regulation) Act, 1956, the term stock exchange has been defined as
“as association, organisation or body of individuals, whether incorporated or
not, established for the purpose of assisting, regulating and controlling
business in buying, selling and dealing in securities”. 2013,
The important features of stock exchange are
as follows –
Stock exchange is a market where dealings take
place in shares, debentures and bonds issued by the company’s corporations,
government, etc.
Only those securities could be traded that are
included in the official list of stock exchange.
It also deals in government securities.
Stock exchange is organisation in the form of
an association or a company or a body of individuals.
It is a common meeting place of buyers and
sellers of second hand securities.
In stock exchanges, brokers serve as a link
between the buyers and sellers.
Stock exchanges frame their rules and
The areas of operations of stock exchange or
geographical jurisdiction is well defined.
In India, stock exchanges operate as per
guidelines issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India.
of stock exchange 08,
09, 10, 12, 14, 2016, 2018, 2019
As the barometer measures the atmospheric
pressure, the stock exchange measures the growth of the economy. It performs
the following vital functions:
Ready market and liquidity: Stock exchange
provides a ready and continuous market where investors can convert their money
into securities and securities into money easily and quickly. It provides a
convenient meeting place for buyers and sellers of securities.
Evaluation of securities: Stock exchange helps
in determining the prices of various securities that reflect their real worth.
The forces of demand and supply act freely in the stock exchange and help in
the valuation of securities.
Mobilisation of savings: Stock exchange helps
in mobilising surplus funds of individuals and institutions for investment in
securities. In the absence of facilities for quick and profitable disposal of
securities, such funds may remain idle.
Capital formation: Stock exchange not only
mobilises the existing savings but also induces the public to save money. It
provides avenue for investment in various securities which yield higher
returns. It helps in allocation of available funds into the most productive
Regulation of corporate sector: Stock
exchanges frame their rules and regulations. Every company which wants its
securities to be dealt in at the stock exchange has to follow the rules framed
by the stock exchange in this regard.
Economic barometer: Stock exchange is very
sensitive barometer of business conditions in the country. Booms, depressions
and other important events affect prices of securities. Price trends on the
stock exchange reflect the economic climate in the country. One can easily
analyse the cause of change in the business climate by the ups and downs on the
stock exchange.
Encourages Industrialization: The stock
exchange provides capital to industry and commerce. They provide finance to the
Helps government in the Policy Formulation:
All the government policies have their clear reflection on the national science
through stock exchange whether they are economic policies or monetary or
Q. 11.
Mention various types of operators in stock exchange.
Ans: Types
of operators in Stock Exchange
1. Brokers: A broker is a member of
the stock exchange who buys and sells securities on behalf of investors. He
charges brokerage or commission for his services.
2. Jobber: A jobber also known as
Tarawaniwala is a member of the stock exchange who is specialised in one type
of security and buys and sells securities on his own behalf.
3. Bulls: A bull is a speculator who
buys securities expecting higher prices in future.
4. Bears: A bear is a speculator who
sells securities expecting fall in prices in near future.
5. Stag: A stag is a speculator who
applies for new securities in expectation that prices will rise by the time of
allotment and he can sell them at premium.
Q.12. Write a brief note on foreign
exchange market. 2011, 2012, 2016, 2020
Ans: Foreign Exchange Market: International
transactions involve payments or receipts in currencies other than home
currency of the trading countries. This results in the necessity for buying and
selling of foreign exchange. The market in which currencies of different
countries are bought and sold for one another is called the foreign exchange
market. In other words, foreign exchange market is a market in which foreign
exchange transactions take place. According to Kindle berger, “Foreign exchange
market it a place where foreign money are bought and sold”. 08, 09, 12
of Foreign Exchange Market
a. Foreign exchange market has no geographical
b. It is electronically linked network.
c. The trading in the foreign exchange market
is done usually 24 hours a day by telephone, display monitors, telex, fax
machines and other means of communication.
d. The exchange dealers are bound by an
informal code of moral conduct.
e. More transactions are based on oral
communications to start with; the written documents follow later on.
There are two foreign exchange markets:
a) Retail
market: In this foreign exchange market, the individuals and firms who require
foreign currency can buy it and those who have acquired foreign currency can
sell it.
b) Interbank
market: In this foreign exchange market, banks who require foreign currency can
buy it and those who have acquired foreign currency can sell it.
IN FOREGIN EXCHANGE MARKET: Important dealers in the foreign exchange
market are the following:
a) Banks: The
banks dealing in foreign exchange have branches (called exchange banks) in
different countries and maintain substantial foreign currency balances in these
branches. These branches discount and sell foreign bills of exchange, issue
bank drafts, make telegraphic transfers etc.
b) Brokers:
Banks use the services of foreign exchange brokers. Brokers act as
intermediaries between the buyers and sellers of foreign exchange among banks.
c) Acceptance
houses: Acceptance house accept bills on behalf of their customers and thus
help in remittance of funds.
d) Central
Banks: Central banks are the most official participants in the foreign exchange
market. They enter the market both as buyers and sellers to prevent excessive
fluctuations in the exchange rates.
OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE MARKET: Following are the important functions
performed by the foreign exchange market:
a) Facilitates
transfer: The basic function of the foreign exchange market is to transfer
purchasing power between countries i.e. to provide a platform whereby currency
of one country is converted into currency of another country at the prevailing
exchange rate.
b) Facilitates
credit: Foreign bills of exchange used in the international payments normally
have maturity period of three to six months. The foreign exchange market
performs the function of providing credit to promote foreign trade. Credit is
provided on the basis of such foreign bills of exchange.
c) Facilitates
hedging: In a situation of exchange risks, the foreign exchange market performs
hedging function. Hedging is the act of equating one’s assets and liabilities
in a foreign currency to avoid the risk resulting from future exchanges in the
value of foreign currency.
d) Facilitates
trade and investment: International trade and investment would not have been
possible without the arrangements or mechanism for buying and selling foreign
currency. The foreign exchange market is required to undertake import/export
Q.13. What is NBFI’s? What are its
components? Mention its importance. 09, 10, 11, 12,14, 15, 16, 17, 2019, 2020
Ans: Non-Banking Financial
Institutions (NBFI’s): NBFI’s include such institution such as
life-insurance companies, mutual savings bank, pension funds, building
societies etc. which are doing diverse business. These financial institutions
are thus a heterogeneous group of financial institutions other than commercial
banks and co-operative societies. They include a wide variety of financial
institutions, which raise funds from the public, directly or indirectly, to
lend them to ultimate spenders. The growth of NBFI’s has been much faster than
that of commercial banks. The main reason for this is that, in comparison to
commercial banks, NBFI’s pay higher interest ratio to the depositors and change
lower interest rate from the borrowers. Thus, they are competing with the
commercial bank for public savings and as sources of Loanable funds.
Broadly NBFI’s in India are classified into
two groups:
(i) Organised NBFI’s
(ii) Unorganised NBFI’s
(i) Organised NBFI’s: The organised NBFI’s
include development banks and other specialised institutions. Development banks
are further divided into Industrial Development banks and Agricultural
Development banks:
Industrial Development banks are the
following: (i) Industrial Development banks of India (IDBI). (ii) Industrial
Credit and Investment Co-operations of India (ICICI). (iii) Industrial
Development banks of India (IDBI). (iv) Life Insurance corporation (LIC). (v)
Unit Trust of India (UTI). (vi) General Insurance Corporations (GIC).
Agricultural Development banks are the
following: (i) National bank for agricultural and rural development (NABARD).
(ii) Land Development Bank (LDB) (ii) Unorganised NBFI’s: A number of
unorganised NBF does also operate in the country. They are known as loan companies;
higher purchase finance companies, chit funds etc.
(ii) Unorganised NBFIs: The unorganised
non-banking financial institutions include merchant banking companies, credit
rating agencies, factoring companies, leasing companies etc.
Role of
indigenous and non-banking financial institution (NBFI’S)
The role and importance of non-bank financial
institution is very great in the economy of India. There are playing many
functions and from this function we can understand their role as importance:
They are financial intermediaries as they
transfer funds from the savers to the investors. Financial intermediation is
economical and less expensive to both small business and small savers.
Non-bank financial intermediaries play an
important role in promoting savings in the country. These institutions provide
a wide range of financial assets as store of value and make available expert
financial services to the savers.
provides highly efficient mechanism for mobilising savings. These institutions
mobilise small savings and provide high liquidity of funds. These institutions
enter into contract with savers and provide them various types of benefit over
the long periods.
d) The
objective of NBFI’s is to earn profit by investing the mobilised savings. The
borrowers can meet bigger needs for funds. The role of interest charged by
financial institutions is generally lower than that charged by other lenders.
e) Financial
intermediaries in general are of great importance to the economy as a whole
because they not only promote economic development in the country, but also
help in the implementation of national monetary policy.
Q.14. Mention the salient features of
NBFI’s. Distinguish between commercial banks and NBFI’s. 2014, 2018
Ans: The
distinguish features of NBFIs are listed below:
accept deposits repayable on the expiry of specified time and certain NBFI
receive funds from government.
b) The
liabilities of NBFI are not accepted as money as a means of payment of debt.
c) NBFIs deal
with medium and long-term funds in the capital market.
d) NBFIs are
heterogeneous group doing diverse business in the financial system of the
e) People
invest their surplus fund with NBFI for earning income rather than safety and
f) NBFIs
supply term finance for acquiring fixed assets.
g) Mobilisation
of savings by the NBFIs is highly affected by the interest rate. NBFI are
regulated by their special statutes.
between commercial bank and NBFI’s
Basis |
Commercial Bank |
Non-banking Financial Institution |
1. Nature |
Banks are homogenous group of institution
doing only banking business. |
NBFIs are heterogeneous group of
institution doing diverse business. |
2. Repayment of deposit |
Commercial banks accepts deposits which are
repayable on demand. |
NBFIs accept deposits which are
repayable on the expiry of fixed period of time. |
3. Source of fund |
The main sources of bank’s funds are
deposits through different accounts. |
NBFIs generally raise funds by
selling securities and they do not provide deposit accounts facilities. |
4. Cheque and ATM facility |
Commercial banks provide ATM and Cheque
facilities to the depositors. |
NBFIs do not provide ATM and cheque
facilities to the depositors |
5. Period/Duration |
Banks operate in the money market and deals
with short term funds only. |
NBFIs operate mainly in capital
market and deals with medium and long-term fund. |
6. Creation of money |
Banks have the power to create money. |
NBFIs cannot create money. |
7. Debt payment |
bank deposits are accepted as a means to discharge its debt. |
The liabilities of NBFIs or deposits
are not accepted to discharge its debt. |
8. Return |
The return on bank deposits is generally
lower as compared to NBFIs. |
The NBFIs promise higher return to
their investors to attract more funds. |