Company Law Question Paper May' 2015, Dibrugarh University B.Com 4th Semester

Company Law Question Paper May' 2015
Dibrugarh University B.Com 4th Semester
Commerce (Gen/Spe)

Course: 402
Time: 3 hours
(Company Law)
Full Marks: 80
Pass marks: 32
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
1.       Write True or False :               1x4=4
(a)    Alternation of Memorandum of Association of a company is impossible.
(b)   The terms floating security and floating charges are synonymous.
(c)    In the case of private company, two members personally present may be the quorum for a meeting.
(d)   Every private company must have minimum three directors.
2. Fill in the blanks :         1x4=4
(a)    Minimum number of members in a public company is _____.
(b)   Share warrant is a kind _____ instrument.
(c)    An article of Association of a company contains rules and regulations for the _____ management of the company.
(d)   In a government company, minimum _____% of the paid-up share capital is held by government.
3.       Write short notes on (any four) :             4x4=16
(a)    Rights of Members.
(b)   Authorized Capital.
(c)    Extra-ordinary General Meeting.
(d)   Share warrant.
(e)   Fixed charge.
(f)     Share Forfeiture.
4.       What do you understand by Memorandum of Association? Discuss the clauses of Memorandum of Association.       4+8=12
State in brief the various kinds of companies which can be registered under the Companies Act.    12

5.       What is Share? Write the difference between transfer and transmission of share.      3+8=11
Discuss the various kinds of the share capital of a company.                   11

6.       What is charge? Explain the procedures of registration of charges.        2+9=11
What is floating charge? What are the characteristics of floating charge? How does it differ from fixed charge?   3+3+5=11
7.       “A register of members is not merely a record of members and their particulars but as adequate proof of title to the membership.” Discuss.        11
Discuss briefly the statutory provisions regarding an Annual General Meeting.

8.       Describe the modes of appointment of Directors in a Company.     11

Who is a Managing Director? How is he appointed? What are the disqualifications of a Managing Director? 2+5+4=11

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