[AHSEC Class 12, Business Studies Notes, Revised Syllabus, 2025 Exam, Staffing]
Class 12 Business Studies Notes
Unit – 6:
Objective Questions (1 Mark):
1. What is staffing?
Ans: It is the process of management which is concerned with
obtaining and maintaining a satisfactory and satisfied work force. It involves
finding the right person for the right job having the right qualification,
doing the right job at the right time.
2. Mention various components of
Ans: a) Recruitment b) Selection c) Training.
3. What do you mean by Selection?
Ans: Selection: Selection can be defined as discovering most
promising and most suitable candidate to fill the vacant job position in the
organisation. The selection starts after candidates for jobs have submitted
their application.
4. What is meant by recruitment?
Ans: It is a
process of inducing or attracting the people to apply for the vacant jobs in
the organisation. Simply, it means search for candidates who can perform the
vacant roles and induce them to apply.
5. Define Training.
Ans: Training means equipping the employees with the required
skill to perform the job. The candidates are sent for training so that they can
perform the job in the expected manner.
6. Why internal sources of recruitment
considered to be more economical?
Ans: Time and costs of training will be low because employees
remain familiar with the organisation and its policies.
Why recruitment is regarded as a Positive Process and selection is a negative
process? 2009,
Ans: Recruitment
is Positive Process because it is concerned with attracting qualified and
competent individuals to apply for a job while selection is choosing the best
among them and rejecting the unsuitable candidates.
8. Name the sources of recruitment
used by company.
Ans: Internal Sources and External Sources
9. “Training is a life-long necessity
for employees because it helps them to earn better performance.” Comment.
Ans: Benefits of Training:
1) Helps in increasing productivity of workers and thus leads to
increase in profit.
2) Employs become more efficient in handling machine and thus chances
of accidents are minimized.
10. Give the serial order of
‘staffing’ as a function of management.
Ans: It is the 3rd function of management.
11. Is human asset mentioned in the
balance sheet?
Ans: No, it is not mentioned in the balance sheet.
12. Staffing in an organization is an
estimation of manpower requirement. Comment.
Ans: Manpower planning – It is the
very first step of the staffing function. It involves forecasting and
determining the future manpower needs of the organization. It is the estimation
of the required manpower keeping in view the present and future needs of the
13. State the first step of process of
Ans: Enumerating man power requirement
14. Name the training method in which
the knowledge of many department is important.
Ans: Apprenticeship programme/training
15. Name the function by which
managers build an organization through the recruitment, selection and
development of individual as capable employees.
Ans: Staffing
16. Which
source of recruitment is suitable for a newly established business – internal
or external?
Ans: External Recruitment
17. Which
function of management helps in obtaining right people and putting them on the
right jobs?
18. Name
the process concerned with searching for prospective candidates for various
jobs in an organization.
19. Name
the process concerned with searching for prospective candidates for vacant job
position. 2012
Mention the elements of staffing in appropriate
Ans: 1.
Recruitment 2. Selection 3. Placement.
21. State
the internal sources of Recruitment?
2009, 2010
Ans: (i) Transfer
(ii) Promotion
22. Under
what source of recruitment employees get motivated?
Ans: Internal Source
23. What is job description?
Ans: It is the document describing task, responsibilities and
relation of one job with other job.
24. What is job specificati3on?
Ans: It refers to the process of streamlining the attributes of a
person required to do a job.
25. What is pre-requisite to
Ans: The pre-requisite to selection is recruitment.
26. State one limitation of incorrect
Ans: Wastage of material, time, effort and energy, resulting in
lower productivity and poor quality of product, unsatisfaction among the
27. Any two duties of Human resource
Ans: (i) Recruitment i.e., search for qualified people. (ii)
Training & Development of employees.
28. Who was looked down by both the
workers and the owners?
Ans: Labour welfare officer.
29. Why the importance of employee
training has increased?
Ans: When jobs have become more complex.
30. State the step in the process of
staffing related with the remuneration given to the employees for the services
rendered by them?
Ans: Compensation.
31. What is called the vertical
shifting of employees (upward)?
Ans: Promotion
32. Give any one benefit of promotion
as sources of recruitment?
Ans: It improves loyalty and satisfaction level of employees.
33. What is an inherent part of human
resource management?
Ans: Staffing.
34. What is both a line as-well as a staff
Ans: Staffing.
35. If you wish to plan for a lifetime
what is required
Ans: Develop people.
36. Training is a systematic learning
process. True
Long Questions (2/3/5/8 Marks):
Q.1. What is Staffing? Discuss the features
and importance of staffing. 2007,
2010, 2016, 2020
Ans: Meaning: It is the process of management which is concerned
with obtaining and maintaining a satisfactory and satisfied work force. It
involves finding the right person for the right job having the right
qualification, doing the right job at the right time.
In the words of French Wendell, “Staffing or
Human resource management is the recruitment, selection, utilisation and
motivation of human resource of the organisation”.
Features of Staffing:
1. It deals with human resources.
2. It is concerned with helping employees to
develop their abilities.
3. It is concerned with finding the right
person for the right job.
Need and Importance of Staffing: 2020
1. Obtaining competent personnel: Proper
staffing helps in discovering and obtaining competent personnel for various
2. Higher performance: Proper staffing ensures
higher performance by putting right person on the right job.
3. Continuous survival and growth: Proper
staffing ensures continuous survival and growth of the enterprise, research
& development, innovation.
4. Optimum utilization of human resources:
Proper staffing helps to ensure optimum utilization of human resources. It
prevents underutilisation of personnel and high labour costs. At the same time,
it avoids disruption of work.
5. Improve job satisfaction: Proper staffing
improves job satisfaction and morale of employee through objective assessment
and fair rewarding of their contribution.
Q.2. What are the steps involved in
the staffing process? Explain briefly? 2012,
2015, 2019
Ans: Steps involved in Staffing Process:
1) Enumerating man power requirement: Staffing process begins with
the estimation of man power requirement which means finding out number and type
of employees need by the org. in future. 2016
2) Recruitment: After man power planning, the manager tries that more
and more people should apply for the job so that the org. can get more choice
and select better candidates.
3) Placement and Orientation: Placement refers to placing the right
person on the right job for which he is selected. Orientation refers to
introducing the new employees with the existing employees.
4) Selection refers to choosing the most suitable candidate to fill
the vacant job position. It is a negative process because a number of candidates
are rejected under it.
5) Training and Development: The process of training helps to improve
the job knowledge and skill of the employees. Training and Development not only
motivate the employees but these improve efficiency of work also.
6) Performance Appraisal: At this step the capability of the
employees is judged and for that his actual work performance is compared with
the work assigned to him. Performance and career planning: It is a process
through which employees get better salary, status, position and also get
promotion to higher post.
7) Compensation: For deciding the compensation the works are
evaluated. Compensation must be reasonable and related with the work.
Q.3. What
is Human Resource management? Explain the relationship between Staffing and
Human resource management.
Ans: Human Resource Management (HRM) can be defined as the set of
programs, functions, and activities designed and performed in order to maximize
both employee as well as organizational effectiveness. It is a management function
that helps organization in recruiting, selecting, training, developing and
managing its members. HRM is concern with the management of people in the
organization from Recruitment to Retirement.
According to the Invancevich and
Glueck, “HRM is concerned with the most effective use of people to achieve
organizational and individual goals. It is the way of managing people at work,
so that they give their best to the organization”.
between Staffing and Human resource management
Human resource management is the part
of management process which develops and manages the human elements of the
enterprise considering their knowledge, skill, creativity and talents. Human
resource involves determining the organisation’s need of human resources,
recruitment and selecting the best employee, training, developing, competing
and rewarding the employee.
Generally when these functions are
carried out at small scale level in small organisation, it is called staffing
and when these functions are performed at large scale in big organisation in a
separate department it is called human resource management.
Q.4. Explain the significance of HRM.
Ans: HRM becomes significant for business organization due to the
following reasons:
Objective: HRM helps a company to achieve its
objective from time to time by creating a positive attitude among workers.
Reducing wastage and making maximum use of resources etc.
Facilitates professional growth: Due to proper
HR policies employees are trained well and this makes them ready for future
promotions. Their talent can be utilized not only in the company in which they
are currently working but also in other companies which the employees may join
in the future.
Better relations between union and management:
Healthy HRM practices can help the organization to maintain co-ordinal
relationship with the unions. Union members start realizing that the company is
also interested in the workers and will not go against them therefore chances
of going on strike are greatly reduced.
Helps an individual to work in a team/group:
Effective HR practices teach individuals team work and adjustment. The
individuals are now very comfortable while working in team thus team work improves.
Identifies person for the future: Since
employees are constantly trained, they are ready to meet the job requirements.
The company is also able to identify potential employees who can be promoted in
the future for the top level jobs. Thus one of the advantages of HRM is
preparing people for the future.
Q.5. What is recruitment? Explain its
Ans: It is a
process of inducing or attracting the people to apply for the vacant jobs in
the organisation. Simply, it means search for candidates who can perform the
vacant roles and induce them to apply.
Process of
Recruitment is the process of location, identifying,
and attracting capable
applications for jobs
available in an
organization. Accordingly, the
recruitment process comprises the following five steps:
Recruitment Planning: The first involved in
the recruitment process is planning.
Hire planning involves to draft a comprehensive job specification for
the vacant position, outline its major and minor responsibilities; the skills,
experience and qualifications needed;
grade and level of pay
Strategy Development: Once it
is known how
many with what
qualification of candidates
are required, the next
step involved in
this regard is
to device a suitable strategy for
recruitment the candidates
in the organization.
The strategic considerations to
be considered may
include issues like
whether to prepare
the required candidates themselves
or hire it
from outside.
Searching: This step involves attracting job
seeders to the organization. There are
broadly two sources used to attract candidates.
These are:
Internal Sources
External Sources.
Screening: Screening of selected candidates is
an important step in recruitment. Preliminary applications, de-selections tests
and screening interviews are common techniques used for screening the
Evaluation and control: Given the considerable
involved in the recruitment process, its evaluation and control is, therefore,
imperative. The costs generally incurred in a recruitment process include
Salary of recruiters, Cost of time spent for preparing job analysis etc. In
view of above, it is necessary for a prudent employed to try answering certain
questions like:
Whether the recruitment methods are
appropriate and valid?
Whether the recruitment process followed in
the organization is effective at all or not?
Q.6. What is internal source of
recruitment? Mention its merits and demerits. State the Internal source of
recruitment. 2013, 2014
Ans: Under internal source of recruitment, the vacant job
positions are filled by using existing employees of the organisation and no
outsiders are permitted in internal source.
Advantages of Internal Source of Recruitment: 2015, 2019
a) Job
Security: It creates a sense of security among employees when they are assured
that they would be preferred in filling up vacancies.
b) Motivation:
It motivates the existing employees, for they are assured of the fact that they
would be preferred over outsiders when vacancies occur. It gives the scope of
development for existing employees of the organisation. 2017
c) Improved
Commitment: It promotes loyalty and commitment among employees due to sense of
job security and opportunities for advancement.
d) Less
costly and time consuming: Time and costs of training will be low because
employees remain familiar with the organisation and its policies.
e) Less
training: As the persons in the employment of the company are fully aware of,
and well acquainted wit, its policies and know its operating procedures, they
require little training, and the chances are that they would stay longer in the
employment of the organisation than a new outsider would.
It is due to the above mentioned advantages,
internal source of recruitment is more preferable as compared to external
source of recruitment.
of Internal Source of Recruitment 2017,
a) Discourages
new ideas: Recruitment of internals leads to inbreeding and discourages new
blood with new ideas from entering into the organization.
b) Lack
of suitable employee: It is possible that internal sources ultimately dry up
and hence it may be difficult to find suitable persons from within the
c) Management
Bias: As promotion is based on seniority, the danger is that really capable
hands may not be chosen. The likes and dislikes of the management may also play
an important role in the selection of personnel.
d) Lack
of innovation: Since the learner does not know more than the lecturer, no
innovations worth the name can be made. Therefore, on jobs which require
original thinking, this practice is not followed.
e) Generally
for middle level managers internal source is rarely used, however for promoting
blue collar workers to white collar jobs internal source is more desirable.
Methods of
recruitment under internal source:
a) Transfer: Transfer means shifting of employees from one job to
another at the same level of authority. Generally with the transfers there is
no change in the rank, responsibilities and prestige. Only the place of working
is changed.
b) Promotion: Promotion refers to shifting of employees from one job
position to other with higher level of authority. In promotion the authority
level, the rank, responsibilities and prestige improve or increase. Generally
with the promotions there is increase in salary also.
c) Recommendation
by Present Employees: The present employees of an
enterprise may be informed about likely vacant position. The employees
recommend their relations or persons intimately known to them. Management is
relieved of botheration for looking out prospective candidates. The persons
recommended by the employees will be suitable for the job because they know the
needs & requirement of various positions.
Q.7. What
is external source of recruitment? Mention its merits and demerits. State five
methods for external recruitment. 2008,
2012, 2014
Ans: External source of Recruitment: When the
candidates from outside the organisation are invited to fill the vacant job
position then it is known as external recruitment. Whenever large numbers of
job positions are vacant then external recruitment is preferred.
of External sources of recruitment:
a) Fresh ideas: It will help in bringing new ideas, better techniques
and improved methods to the organisation.
b) Wider choice: The external sources provide a wider choice of
personnel to choose from.
c) Qualified personnel: Required qualifications are available for the
external sources. The entry of qualitative persons from outside will be in the
interest of the organisation in the long run.
d) Competitive Spirit: Competitive spirits is available by external
source. The suitable candidates with skill, talent, knowledge are available
from external sources.
e) Minimised cost: The cost of employees will be minimised because
candidates selected in this method will be placed in the minimum pay scale.
of External sources of recruitment:
a) Lowering
morale of employees: Motivation, morale and loyalty of existing staff are
affected, if higher level jobs are filled from external sources. It becomes a
source of heart-burning and demoralisation among existing employees.
b) Costly
process: It is more expensive and time-consuming. Detailed screening is
necessary as very little is known about the candidate.
c) Expenses
on training: Orientation and training are required as the employees remain
unfamiliar with the organisation.
d) High
replacement cost: If new entrant fails to adjust himself to the working in the
enterprise, it means yet more expenditure on looking for his replacement.
of External sources of recruitment are:
a) Direct Recruitment: Sometimes the organisations paste notice at
the gate of their factory or workshop stating the vacant job positions. The
people who are interested in those jobs walk in for interview. This method of external
recruitment is called direct recruitment.
b) Advertising on Television: A new trend of external recruitment is
telecast on various channels regarding vacant job position. They telecast the
requirement of the job along with the required qualification.
c) Employment Exchange: Employment exchange act as middlemen between
the job-seekers and the organisations who have vacant job positions. The
candidates leave their bio-data and details of their qualifications with the
employment exchanges and when the organisations approach employment exchanges
for suitable candidates.
d) Placement agencies and Management consultant: Placement agencies
provide nation-wide service of matching demand and supply of work force. These
agencies invite the bio data and record from various job seekers and send them
to suitable clients.
e) Web Publishing: In internet there are certain websites such as
naukri.com and monster.com provides information regarding job seekers and
companies which have vacant job position.
f) Campus recruitment: Sometimes the senior managers of the
organisations visit various professional colleges and institutions to get fresh
candidates with latest technological know how. This is called campus
Q.8. What do you mean by Selection?
Briefly describes the steps in the selection process?
Ans: Selection: Selection can be defined as discovering most
promising and most suitable candidate to fill the vacant job position in the
organisation. The selection starts after candidates for jobs have submitted
their application.
The selection process usually includes a
number of steps:
1. Preliminary screening: In this step the
candidates who do not fulfill the required basic qualification are eliminated.
2. Selection test: Though these tests, ability
and skill of the candidates are measured. Common types of tests conducted by
organisation are Intelligence test, Aptitude test, Personality test, Trade
test, Interest test.
a) Intelligence
test is conducted to check the efficiency level of the employee in performing
the job.
b) Personality
test is conducted to find out the human behaviour of the candidate.
c) Trade
test is conducted to check the basic knowledge and skill of the candidate
related to vacant job position.
d) Interest
test is conducted to find out the type of job in which candidate has more
e) Aptitude
test is conducted to find the potential of learning new jobs and techniques.
3. Employment interview: The candidates who
qualify the test are called for interview.
4. References & background checks: After
the candidate declared successful in the interview then information related to
back ground, social relation, and character are indentified.
5. Selection decision: The candidate who
passed the test, interview, reference check is included in selection list &
the manager’s select most suitable candidate from the list.
6. Medical examination: Before giving
appointment letter, the candidates are selected for medical fitness.
7 Job offer: For job offer the appointment
letter in hand over & a date in the appointment letter is mentioned on
which one has to report for the duty.
8. Contract of employment: After the
acceptance of job offer by a selected candidate required to sign various
Q.9. What is training, Education and
development? Discuss any two advantages of training and development to the
organization and to the employees? 2008,
2012, 2020
Ans: Training: Training means equipping the employees with the
required skill to perform the job. The candidates are sent for training so that
they can perform the job in the expected manner.
Education: Education focuses on personal growth of the employees.
It is concerned with improving the general knowledge and understanding of the
Development refers to overall growth of the employee. It focuses
on personal growth and successful employee development. Development is much
wider in concept as compared to training as training is only one part of
Advantages to the Organization:
(1) Improving Performance: Training helps in
increasing productivity of workers and thus leads to reduction in cost and increase
in profit.
(2) Attitude formation: It helps in developing
positive attitude of the employees towards the organisation and motivates them
to take the initiative.
(3) Helps to adapt changes: Training helps the
employees to adopt environmental changes.
(4) Reducing wastage of resources: Through the
superior level training, the problem of wastage of materials can be avoided.
(5) Reduced learning time: A trained employee
takes less time in learning the job as compared to untrained employee.
Advantages to the employees:
1) Better
Career Options: Improved skill and knowledge due ton training bring better
career options for employees.
2) Earning
More: Improvement in efficient performance of employees helps the employees to
earn more.
3) Boost
up the Moral: Training increases the satisfaction and moral of employees.
4) Less
chance of accidents: Training makes employees more efficient so there is less
chance of accidents.
5) Job
satisfaction: Perfection in work gives job satisfaction of the employees. Employees
will give maximum to the organisation if he satisfied with his job.
Q.10. What do you mean by on the job
training? Mention its various methods. 2011
Ans: On-the-job training: When the employees are trained while
they are performing the job then it is known as On-the-job training. Under this
method the employees learn by doing. This method is suitable only for technical
jobs and the advantage of this method is employees can learn the practical
problems while working on the job. The biggest disadvantage of on-the-job
training is that it results in wastage of resources.
Commonly used methods used for on the job
training are:
a) Apprenticeship
programme/training: The workers seeking to enter skilled jobs are sent for
apprenticeship training programme which is an on-the-job method of training. In
the Apprenticeship Programme, a master worker or a trainer is appointed who
guides the worker or learner regarding the skill of job. It is suitable for
people seeking to enter skilled traits for example – plumbers, electricians,
iron worker etc.
b) Job
rotation: Job rotation is an on-the-job method of training in which the
employee is shifted from one job position to other for short interval of time
to make him aware of requirements of all the job positions. For example, in
banks the employees are shifted from one counter to other so that they learn
the requirements of all the counters. 2017
c) Internship:
Internship is an agreement between the professional institutes and the
corporate sector when professional institutes send their students to various
companies so that they can practice the theoretical knowledge acquired by them
through professional institutes. Under this training programme the
organizations get people with fresh ideas and latest knowledge and the
companies have to pay very less amount of salary which is called stipend.
d) Coaching:
In this method superior guides and instructs the trainee as a coach. He guides
employee, how he can over-come his weakness and make his strength more strong,
superior suggest the changes required in the behaviour and performance of the
e) Induction
or orientation training: Induction or orientation is a process of receiving and
welcoming an employee when he first joins the company and giving him the basic
information he needs to settle down quickly and happily and start work.
Q.11. What do you mean by off the job
method of training? Enumerate various method of off the job training? 2016, 2018, 2020
Ans: Off-the-job training: Off-the-job training means training the
employees by taking them away from their work position which means employees
are given a break from the job and sent for training. This method of training
is more suitable for managerial job positions as conferences, seminars are held
to train the managers.
Methods of Job Training:
a) Conferences/class
room lectures: It is a highly structured way to convey a message or specific
information with the help of audio-visual aids formal classroom sessions of
training can be made more interesting.
b) Vestibule
School: Vestibule school means duplicate model of organization. Generally when
the expensive and delicate machineries are involved then employers avoid using
on-the-job methods of training. A dummy model of machinery is prepared and
instead of using original machinery employees are trained on dummy model.
c) Films:
Showing films is also a very effective method in certain cases. Films can give
important information on various techniques through demonstrative skill.
d) Case
Study: Under this method managers discuss real problems that they have faced
and trainees are asked to give their suggestions and alternatives to solve that
problem. Case study helps the trainees to decision under real work situation.
e) Computer
Modeling: Under this method a computer is programmed to show real problems of
job and how to overcome such problems. In this method the employees can learn a
lot without incurring much cost.
f) Programmed
instructions: Under this method a learning package s prepared to give general
instructions and specific skills. This information is broken into sequence of
meaningful units.
Q.12. Differentiate between training,
education and development on the bases of purpose and focus. 2016
Training |
Development |
Education |
It is a process of imparting knowledge for
doing specific job. |
It is a process of learning opportunities
designed to help employees grow. |
It is concerned with improving the general
knowledge and understanding of employee. |
It is a job oriented process. |
It is a carrier oriented process. |
It is a knowledge oriented process. |
It focuses on technical skills. |
It focuses on conceptual and human ideas. |
It focuses on logical ability. |
The basic purpose of training is to enable
the employees to do job or home intended job. |
The basic purpose of development is to
enable the growth of the employees. |
The basis purpose of education is to help
the employees to improve their personal ability. |
It is imparted for a fixed period. |
It is a continuous and never ending process. |
It is a continuous process. |
Q.13. Differentiate between internal
source of recruitment and external source of recruitment?
Basis |
Sources |
Sources |
Meaning |
it is a recruitment of employees from Within
the existing employees of the org. |
It is a recruitment of employees from outside
the org. |
Basis |
Generally seniority is the bases of
Recruitment. |
Generally recruitment is based on merit. It
provides wider choice in the Recruitment of employees. |
Choice |
It gives limited choice in the Recruitment
of employees. |
It provides wider choice in the Recruitment
of Employees. |
Economy |
It is less expensive and less time
Consuming. |
I t is a more expensive and more time Consuming. |
Quality |
Choice is restricted to available pool of
Talent only. |
Best and talented employees can be Selected. |
Involve |
Comparatively less time is required for
Filling the vacancies. |
It requires more time to fill the Vacancies.
Q.14. Differentiate between
Recruitment and Selection. 2007,
2015, 2018, 2020
Basis |
Recruitment |
Selection |
Meaning |
It is the process of searching and
Motivating candidates to apply for Job. |
It is that process of staffing which rejects
the unsuitable candidates and choose the suitable candidates. |
Purpose |
The basic purpose is to create a large pool
of applicants for the jobs. |
The basic purpose is to eliminate as many
candidates as possible until the most suitable candidates get finalized. |
Scope |
Recruitment is restricted to the extent of
receipt of application. |
Selection includes sorting of the
candidates. |
/Negative process |
Recruitment is a positive process. As more
and more applicant are sought to be attracted. |
Selection is a negative process as more
applicants are rejected than selected. |
Criteria |
It gives freedom to applicants. Any one is
free to apply. |
It gives very little freedom to applicants.
Applicants must meet the selection criteria. |