AHSEC - 12: Marketing Management Important Notes for March 2025 Exam | Business Studies Class 12 Notes

[AHSEC Class 12, Business Studies Notes, Revised Syllabus, 2025 Exam, Marketing Management]

Class 12 Business Studies Notes
Unit – XI: Marketing

Objective Questions (1 Mark):

1. Define market in Traditional marketing sense?

Ans: Traditionally market was defined as a place where buyers and sellers meet each other and conduct buying and selling activities. But in modern time, the term market has a broader meaning. Market refers to the whole of any region in which buyers and sellers are brought into contact with one another and by means of which the prices of the goods tend to be equalized easily and quickly.

2. Define Marketing.                      2012

Ans: Marketing is the process of exchange of goods and services and includes all those activities which helps in exchange of goods and services.

3. What is marketing research?

Ans: It means application of resource of research process in solving the marketing problem.

4. What is marketing mix and its 4 P’s?                  2013

Ans: It refers to the combination of four basic elements product, price, promotion and the place, known as the four P’s of marketing.

5. What is trademark?                   2014, 2020

Ans: Trademark simply means mark of a trade carried on by an identified entity. It is usually a sign mark or a symbol, word or words.

6. What is a product?

Ans: It means good or services or anything of value which is offered to the market for exchange.

7. What is advertising?

Ans: It is an impersonal form of communication which is paid for by the markets to promote some goods or services.

8. Define sales promotion?

Ans: Sales promotion refers to short term incentives other than advertising and personal selling at stimulating markets demand for product.

9. What is package?

Ans: The container which carries the product is called package.

10. What is packaging?

Ans: Packaging is defined as a set of tasks or activities which is concerned with the design and production of an appropriate container for the product

11. What is Marketing Management?

Ans: Marketing management is an important functional area of business. It is the process of planning, organizing, directing and controlling the activities related to marketing of goods and services to satisfy customer’s needs & achieve organisational goals.

12. Which Marketing philosophy gives more importance to “Consumer welfare” instead of “Consumer Satisfaction”?

Ans: Societal marketing                                 2015

13. Name the function concerned with informing the customer about the product.

Ans: Product Promotion

14. Name the function involved in physical movement of goods from one place to another.

Ans: Physical Distribution

15. Give two examples of Trade Promotion?

Ans: Gifts, trade discount.

16. What is labeling?

Ans: A label is the identity of product or brand. Labels are attached one to the product package to help the identification and provide some identity to the customer.

17. What do you mean by Brand?

Ans: It can be designed as the process of using a name term, symbol or design to identify a product. It is simply giving a name / a sign / a symbol etc to a product.

18. Give two examples of Brand.

Ans: Pepsi, Nike.

19. Give the main concept behind the various types of marketing concept.

Name of Concept

Main points

Production Concept

Goods/services are cheap and they can be made available at many places.

Product Concept

Quality of goods or services is of good standard.

Selling Concept

“Goods are not bought but they have to be sold”

Marketing Concept

Consumers Satisfaction

Societal Marketing Concept

Consumer Welfare/Societal Welfare

20. Give two examples of trade mark.

Ans: McDonalds, APPLE, IBM

21. Give two examples of various types of products.

Type of Products


Convenience product

Candy, Newspapers, Soap, Fast Food etc.

Shopping Product

Clothing, Furniture, Major Appliances, Used Cars

Speciality product

Photographic equipment with high price, Designer clothes

Unsought Products

Life Insurance, Blood donation to Red Cross

22. Name the middlemen involved in two level channels.

Ans: Wholesaler and retailer

23. What is modern marketing concept?

Ans: Modern marketing concept: Modern or new concept of marketing is a broader concept. It does not mean to provide consumer goods and services what the seller manufactures but it consists the process of discovering the consumer and converting their wants into appropriate goods and services.

24. Introducing a scheme of 50% + 40% less by the koutons is the example of which sales promotion techniques.

Ans: Trade discount

25. Name the products whose utility gets finished in one use.

Ans: Consumer Products

26. Mention on objective of pricing.

Ans: One of the objectives of pricing is to maximize current profits. 









SHORT QUESTIONS (2/3/5/8 Marks)

1. What is Marketing? What are the important features of Marketing?

Ans: Marketing is the process of exchange of goods and services and includes all those activities which helps in exchange of goods and services. In the words of Philip Kotler, “Marketing is human activity directed at satisfying needs and want through exchange process.”

Nature of marketing

Buyer and seller affect the demand for products in aggregate areas, market includes both the place and region which buyers and sellers are in a free inter course with another.

1) Marketing is a customer focus: Market intense to satisfy and delight the customer, the activities of marketing must be directed and focused at the customer marketers can remain in customers mind. As they are provided value for what they spend.

2) Marketing must deliver value: Marketer has to track customer needs and deliver the product as per their requirement. The co operate storage must be aimed at delivering greater customer value than competitors.

3) Marketing is business: When a customer is the focus of all activities the marketer has not to search customer to see response to his product. Customer group is decided from whom the product is prepared and presented.

4) Marketing is surrounded by customer need: Marketing starts with identification of customer needs and requirements’. These are termed into probable features that might satisfy the basic needs

5) Marketing is a part of total environment: Total environment mainly defined as the combination of all resources and institutions which are directly related to the production, distribution of goods, services, ideas, places and persons for satisfaction of human needs.

2. What are various functions of Marketing?  2012, 2014, 2018, 2020

Ans: Functions of Marketing / Marketing activities

a)      Marketing research : Marketing research means Gathering and analysing marketing information i.e. what the customers want to buy, when they are likely to buy in what quantities do they buy, from where do they buy etc.

b)      Marketing planning: Specific plan for increasing the level of production, promotion of the products etc must be designed and the action programmes are formulated to achieve these objectives.

c)       Product designing and development: Marketer must take decision like, what to product? Which model? What will be the size? Brand name? Packaging quality? Quality level of product? So that customer needs are satisfied.

d)      Buying and assembling: Buying of raw materials and assembling them into finished product is an important function of marketing manager.

e)      Packing and labeling: Packaging is an essential ingredient for the promotion and marketing of any product. Marketing manager must decide the packaging quality and labeling before starting selling of products.

f)       Branding: Creating a distinct identity of the product from that of competitors e.g. Videocon washing machine is an important function. A good brand helps any product to survive in the competitive market.

3. Differentiate between Marketing and Selling. Or Selling is Product oriented and Marketing is Customer orientated. Explain.                2014, 2017

Ans: Difference between selling & marketing concept



Selling starts with the seller and the needs of the seller.

Marketing starts with the buyer and the needs of buyer

Seeks to quickly convert products into cash.

Seeks to convert customer ‘needs’ into products

Seller is the centre of business universe.

Buyer is the centre of the business universe.

Views Business as a goods producing process.

Views businesses as a customer satisfying process.

Seller preference determines the formulation of marketing mix.

Buyer determines the shape marketing mix should take.

Selling is product oriented.

Marketing is customer oriented.

Seller’s motives dominate marketing communication.

Marketing communication is looked upon as a tool for communicating the benefits / satisfactions provided by the product.

4. Write a Brief note on traditional and modern marketing concept.

Ans: Traditional concept of marketing

According to this concept, marketing consists of those activities which are concerned with the transfer of ownership of goods from producers to consumers. Thus, marketing means selling of goods and services. In other words, it is the process by which goods are made available to ultimate consumers from their place of origin. The traditional concept of marketing corresponds to the general notion of marketing, which means selling goods and services after they have been produced. The emphasis of marketing is on sale of goods and services. Consumer satisfaction is not given adequate emphasis. Viewed in this way, marketing is regarded as production/sales oriented.

Modern concept of marketing

According to the modern concept, marketing is concerned with creation of customers. Creation of customers means identification of consumer needs and organising business to satisfy these needs. Marketing in the modern sense involves decisions regarding the following matters:

1. Products to be produced

2. Prices to be charged from customers

3. Promotional techniques to be adopted to contact and influence existing and potential customers.

4. Selection of middlemen to be used to distribute goods and services.

Modern concept of marketing requires all the above decisions to be taken after due consideration of consumer needs and their satisfaction. The business objective of earning profit is sought to be achieved through provision of consumer satisfaction. This concept of marketing is regarded as consumer oriented as the emphasis of business is laid on consumer needs and their satisfaction.

From the above discussion, the following differences between these two concepts are drawn:

Traditional Concept

Modern Concept

Traditional marketing emphasis on selling and more profit. 

While, modern marketing emphasis on profit as well as consumer satisfaction.

Traditional marketing is start from production and end with sell. 

But in modern marketing it includes planning, product, price, promotion, place and after sell services.

In traditional marketing the manufacturer sell only those products which he produce and not focused on consumer preference. 

But in modern marketing manufacturer analyse the consumer demand then produce.

Traditional marketing concentrate on favourable products.

But modern marketing concentrate on customer needs wants and satisfaction.

Six Fundamental concept of Marketing are:

There are six concept of marketing which the companies keep in mind:

i) Production concept: The production concept is one of the oldest concepts in business. It holds that consumers will prefer products that are widely available and inexpensive. So, production concept oriented business concentrate on achieving high production which reduces cost and focus on mass distribution.

ii) Product concept: This concept holds that consumers will prefer those products that are high in quality and performance and with innovative features. Managers in these organization focus on making superior products and improving them. But the marketer must keep in mind that the customers will buy the best quality product only when they need or want it.

iii) Selling concept: Now a days, as the technology advances along with the quantity and quality of the goods, the art of selling the goods are also very essential. The firms which follow the selling concept believe that in order to motivate a customer to buy his product, he must be convinced by aggressive selling and promotional efforts. Firms following selling concept make use of advertising powers and other persuation techniques to influence the customers.

iv) Marketing Concept: The marketing concept emerged in the mid 1950’s. The business generally shifted from a product – centered, make and sell philosophy, to a customer centered, sense and respond philosophy. The marketing concept concentrates on the need of the customers. This concept says than product should be designed and produced keeping in mind the need of the customers and try to satisfy the need better than the competitor. The marketing concept holds that the key to achieving organizational goals consist of the company being more effective than competitors in creating, delivering and  communicating superior customers value. This concept puts the customers at both the beginning and the end of the business cycle. Every department and every worker should think about the customer and acts as per need of the customer.

v) Consumer concept: As per this concept, companies’ aims at providing consumers separate offers or services. This is possible through one to one marketing.

vi) Societal marketing concept: A company must not blindly follow the goal of customer satisfaction because it may lead to many social and environmental ills for example, a customer may want to have drugs so just to satisfy customer the firms should not supply him drugs. This concept requires that company should deliver superior value to the consumer to improve the consumer and the society. It focuses on consumer welfare. Firms should not produce harmful products.

5. What is marketing mix? What are its elements (4 P’s)? What are its features?  2012, 2013, 2017

Ans: Marketing mix refers to one of the major concept in modern marketing. According to Philip kotler “marketing mix is a set of controllable marketing variables that the firm blends to produce the response it wants in the target market”. It is the combination of four controllable variables which constitutes the company’s marketing system .the four controllable variables are:

1)      The product

2)      The price structure

3)      The promotional activities

4)      The distribution system

These elements are inter related and inter dependent since decisions in one area usually actions in other area.

Features of marketing mix:

1) Combination of four controllable variables: Marketing mix is the combination of four variables inputs namely product, price, promotion and place that constitute the core of organizations marketing system

2) Inter relation of variables: The four P’s of marketing mix are interrelated and independent as the decision of one area automatically depends upon the other.

3) Managerial activity: Marketing mix is a managerial activity i.e. it is the responsibility of the marketing manager to combine the four ingredients in the right proportion as to achieve optimum results.

4) Dynamic concept: Marketing mix is a dynamic concept as there is need of continuous changes as per the changes taking place in the marketing environment.

5) Consumer orientation: All marketing activities are directed towards consumer satisfaction therefore marketing mix variables need to be flexible to adopt the needs expectation, purchasing power and buying behavior of the consumer.

6) Target oriented: It is one of the important components of marketing mix centers around the consumer and his welfare.

6. Explain 4 P’s of Marketing Mix or various elements of marketing mix.  2012, 2013, 2014, 2017, 2019

Ans: 4 P’s of Marketing Mix:

1. Product: Product is one of important part of marketing mix because it reflects the good or bad reputation of any organization.  The products represent any business efficiently.  Successful organizations always search out the buying habits of their customers and designed their products based on those buying habits in order to meet the customer’s requirements. They also design their products based on important factors such as purchasing power and geographical locations etc.  

2. Price: It is the worth of product on which customers are agreed to buy the products.  Price of the product should be according to the range of regular customers.  Prices are fluctuating according to seasonal requirements. Marketers always try to satisfy their clients at any cost.  

3. Place: Products always design based on geographical place because customers buy products according to their traditions and seasons.  Companies which are going to spread their business networks throughout the world must visit the place where they want to open their branches. They need to study the traditions and seasonal changes of the country where they want to initialize their products.

4. Promotion: Promotion activities involve marketing and advertising.  Promotional activities are used to create awareness about the products.  Customers know about products and their specification through social marketing media. Companies adopt social marketing media in order to create awareness about their products and services.  Promotional activities and techniques are important if companies initialize new products or make some changes in product’s specifications. Promotional activities include advertising, selling, public relations and sales promotions.  

 7. What is product? What are its features? Mention its various classes.

Ans: It means good or services or anything of value which is offered to the market for exchange. A product is a set of tangible and intangible attributes including packaging, colour, price, quality and brand plus the services and reputation of the seller. A product may be a tangible goods, service, place, person or idea.

Essential features can be identified as given below:

From the above definitions, some of essential features can be identified as given below:

(a) Tangibility: To be a product, it should have a tangibility character such as it can be touched or seen, for example a car, building, cloth etc.

(b) Intangible Attributes: The product may also be intangible in the form of services for instance, banking, insurance, music composition, repairing, nursing etc.

(c) Associated Attributes: A product may have number of features which differentiate it from competitor’s products. Associated attributes usually cover the colour, package, brand name, installation instruction etc

(d) Exchange Value: A product may be tangible or intangible but it must have exchange value. It must be capable of being exchanged between seller and buyer at mutual agreed price.

(e) Consumer satisfaction: A product should have the capacity to satisfy consumer’s real or psychological needs and wants. At the same time, it must have capacity to generate profit for the satisfaction of sellers.

Classification of Products

Classification of Products

Broadly products can be classified into following categories.

(A) Products based on uses:

(1) Consumer Products: These are the products or services that are meant for final consumers for their personal, family or house hold use. These products are used by buyer for their consumption or selling but not for further processing. For example pen, watch, books, newspaper etc. Consumer products are further classified as below:

(a) Convenience goods: These products or services are purchased with minimum efforts. Features of such products are purchased at convenient location, full knowledge of product, continuous and regular demand, highly standardised etc. For example bread, newspaper etc.

(b) Emergency goods: Goods required meeting the urgent needs and so the purchasers do not get time for selection. For example needs of umbrella during raining season, repairing of T.V. during world cup cricket etc.

(c) Impulse goods: The consumer is not usually pre-planned or predetermined to purchase such goods but during shopping all of a sudden he decides to purchase this type of goods because of product exposure or attraction. For example chocolate, balloon, a new type of ball pen etc.

(d) Shopping Goods: These goods are consumer durable item and so he/she selects or purchases these goods only after making comparisons on such bases as suitability, quality, price, style and durability. Examples: T.V., Furniture, mobile hand-set etc.

(e) Specialty Goods: These products are particular brands, stores and persons to which consumers are loyal. For Example - Branded surgical instruments for doctors, life saving drugs, Bhupen Hazarika as a singer, Peter England dresses etc.

(f) Unsought Products: The buyers do not know about the existence of product or they do not want to purchase. It may be regularly unsought product such as service of life insurance company, a layer’s service, safety alarm etc. or/and new unsought products which are completely new products and unfamiliar to consumers.

(2) Industrial Products: Goods which are used for commercial production or in carrying of some business activities are known as industrial goods. It is for commercial use not for personal use. The same product may be consumer product as well as industrial product depending on its purpose of use. For example: Rice when we cook and eat at home, it is consumer products and when the same is sold in a restaurant or hotel, it is treated as industrial goods. Industrial buyers are mostly rational buyer, i.e. they are cost, quality and standard conscious. The various types of industrial goods are discussed below:

(a) Installations: These are capital goods which determine the nature, scope, capacity and efficiency of production as well as company. These are non portable and heavy goods. Examples are plants and machinery, major equipments, building, assembly lines etc.

(b) Raw Materials: These are the main inputs to the final products. These are the part of the final products. Some of the raw-materials are required processing before incorporated in the final products and there primary materials from extractive and agricultural industrials-minerals, petroleum, iron ore etc do not require any process.

(c) Fabricated materials and parts: These are semi processed goods but they may require further processing before being the part of final products. For example pig iron for the production of steel.

(d) Operating Supplies: These are not the part of final products but these are required to continue the production process such as light bulbs, pen, paper, computers etc.

(e) Accessory Equipment: These are portable goods which are necessary to keep the capital goods fit for operation. These are relatively less expensive. These neither become the part of final product nor change its form. For example bearing of a plant, wheal of a machine etc.

Features of Industrial products are:                                        2017

a) Number of Buyers: Number of buyers of industrial products are limited as compared to consumer products.

b) Channel of distribution: Shorter channel of distribution is used for sale of industrial products are there are limited buyers.

c) Geographical Concentration: Generally the demand for industrial products is not scattered but is concentrated at a fixed geographical location.

d) Derived Demand: Industrial products are demanded to produce consumer products that is why it is called derived demand.

e) Technical consideration: Industrial products are produced as a result of complex process so there is more technical consideration of these products.

B. Products based on durability: 

(I) Perishable products: These are the products which have very short life and can not be stored for long time such as newspaper, a particular service for one day or limited period.

(II) Non-durable products: When the consumers start consuming or using the products, the products last for few uses and get depleted on consumption are non durable goods. For example, tooth paste, powder etc.

(III) Durable products: These are products which have a long life and consumers may use it for several years. For example - T.V., watch, furniture, mobile hand-set etc. The consumers usually take long time to take the decision of purchasing.

C. Products based on Tangibility:

(I) Tangible products: It must be capable of being touched, seen, verified its quality etc. For example pen, pencil, book.

(II) Intangible products: A product may be intangible also but capable of providing satisfaction through its service. For example repairing, consultancy service, nursing etc.

8.  What is price and pricing mix? Explain the factors determining fixation of price.  2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2019

Ans: Price is defined as the amount we pay for goods or a service or an idea. Price is the only element in the marketing mix of a firm that generates revenue. The term ― Price need not be confused with the term ― Pricing. Price is the value that is put to a product or service. But pricing is different from price. It refers to decisions related to fixing of price of a commodity. A pricing strategy takes into account segments, ability to pay, market conditions, competitors price etc while fixing price. It is targeted at the defined customers and against competitors. 

Factors determining Fixation of price:

i) Cost of the product: Cost of the product is the main component of the price. No company can sell its product or service at less than the cost of the product. A Fixed and variable cost are to be considered for determining the price.

ii) The utility and demand for the product: Intensive study for the demand for product and service in the market is to be undertaken before the fixation of the price of the product. If demand is relatively more than supply, higher price can be fixed.

iii) Extent of competition in the market: It is necessary to take into consideration prices of the product of the competing firms prior to fixing the price. In case of cut throat competition it is desirable to keep price low.

iv) Government and Legal Regulation: If the price of the commodity and service is to be fixed as per the regulation of the govt., it should also be borne in mind.

v) Pricing objective: Usually at the time of price fixation a certain amount of profit is added to the cost of the product. Objective is to earn higher profit, it may it may add amount of it.

vi) Marketing method used: - Price also influenced by the marketing method used by the company. Example – Commission which is to be paid to the middlemen for the sale of the goods is also added to the price.

9. What is Branding? Write the characteristics of goods brand name. What are its Advantages?   2016

Ans: A brand is define as a name, term, sign, symbol or special design or some combinations of these elements that is intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or a group of sellers. A brand differentiates these products from those of competitors. A brand in short is an identifier of the seller or the maker. It is simply giving a name or a sign or a symbol etc. to a product. For example: Pepsi, Nike etc.

The following features of goods brand name are given below:

a)      It should be distinctive. A unique and distinctive symbol is not only easy to remember but also a distinguish feature.

b)      It should be capable of being are registered and protected legally.

c)       It should be appropriate.

d)      It should be easy to read, pronounce and spell.

e)      It should be adoptable to new products.

Advantages of Branding:

a)      Brand name helps in advertising in an easier way.

b)      Brand name establishes permanent identity of the product.

c)       Branded products can be easily identified by consumers.

d)      Brand name promotes repurchasing.

e)      A good brand name helps to survive in the competitive market.

10. What is a labeling? What are its Functions?

Ans: A label identity is the product or brand. Labels are attached one to the product package to help the identification and provide some identity to the customer.

Function of Labeling:

a)      Describe the product and specify its contents.

b)      Grading of Product

c)       Identification of the Product or Brand.

d)      Help in promotion of Product.

e)      Providing information required by law.

11. What is meant by Packaging? Explain its functions and importance.                                2013, 2016, 2018

Ans: Packaging: It refers to the group of those activities which are related with the designing and production of the containers in which the product are packet.

In the opinion of Prof. Rustom S. Davar, Packaging is that art and/or science which is related to the development and use of materials, methods and equipment, for the packing of the goods in some containers, so that the product, while passing through various stages of distribution, could remain fully safe.

Functions of Packaging

1. Product Identification: Packaging help in identification of the product.

2. Product Protection: The main function of the packing is to provide protection to the product from dirt, insect and breakage.

3. Convenience: It provides convenience in carriage, stocking and in consuming.

4. Product Promotion: Packaging simplifies the work of sales promotion.

Importance (Functions) of Packaging

1.       Safety of the Products. The main function of packaging is to protect the things from dust, water, moisture, insects, etc. Good packing saves the products against perishing, loss and other damages.

2.       Facility in Marketing Activities. Due to the packing, the movement of the products, shifting, preserving, opening, collect­ing and storage, become economical and easier for both the mid­dlemen as well as the consumers.

3.       Advertisement. One of the functions of packing is adver­tisement too. Till there exists any product packet, it keeps us aware of the same.

4.       Facility in Collecting. It is easier to store the packaged goods. Due to packing, the products remain safe in the godowns.

5.       Information to the Customers. While making the product attractive, the packing could also make the product useful and informative. It can extend necessary instructions and information more effectively to the customer regarding the use of the product.

12. What is promotion mix? Mention its various dimensions or elements? Also explain them.     2015

Ans: Promotion mix: Promotion means communication with customers to stimulate them to buy goods. The nature of promotion mix is determined by the marketing environment. There are various dimensions of promotion mix are:

a.       Advertising and publicity

b.      Personal selling techniques

c.       Sales promotion measures

d.      Public relation techniques etc.

For explanation refer below.

13. What is advertising? Explain its role and Limitations.  2012, 2013, 2014

Ans: Advertising: It is the most commonly used tool of promotion. It is an impersonal form of communication, which is paid by the marketers (sponsors) to promote goods or services. Common mediums are newspaper, magazine, television and radio. Advertisements play a very important role in offering innumerable benefits to the manufacturers, customers and to the society in general.

Advantages of advertising to the various sections of the society are stated below

1.       Advantages of Manufacturers

1)      It creates demand for new products by informing people about the availability and suggesting them about the use of such goods.

2)      It promotes increased sales by maintaining the present demand and expanding the markets by attracting more people to buy.

3)      It creates goodwill by making the name of the manufacturer and his products famous and known in every home.

4)      It creates steady demand for products by smoothening out the seasonal fluctuations in demand.

5)      It reduces the cost of production by making large-scale production possible through creation of demand. The large-scale production reduces the total cost per unit of production.

2.       Advantages to Consumers

1)      It facilitates purchasing by educating consumers to select correct brands of commodities which increase their personal satisfaction.

2)      It makes available goods at reduced prices as advertisement increases sales, promotes large-scale production, reduces cost of production and distribution and increases competition. This result in reduction in prices and consumers get goods at reduced rates.

3)      It increases the utility of commodities. Consumers come to know about the proper and diverse use of commodities through advertising. This helps to increase the utility of commodities for the consumers.

4)      It ensures good quality of products. Advertising encourages manufacturers to produce better quality products which boosts the confidence of the consumers and ensures them availability of goods quality products.

5)      It reduces the possibility of being cheated as through advertisements the consumers come to know about the prices and composition of goods.

3.       Advantages to Salesmen

1)      It creates a proper base for the salesman by acquainting more people, in a shorter time, with the merits of a product, its new uses, new varieties and so on.

2)      It educates even salesmen and increases their confidence, capacity and initiative.

3)      It reinforces the sales points and simplifies work of the salesmen as they cannot reach all places and at all the times.

4)      It reduces the effort of the salesmen as they can reach the right prospects with the least effort.

5)      It increases the remuneration of salesmen by supplementing their efforts to increase sales and thereby increase remuneration.

4.       Advantages to the Society: Advertisement is beneficial not only to the manufacturers and the consumers but also to the society at large in the following ways:

1)      It uplifts the living standards of the people. Advertising acts as an effective tool in raising standard of living.

2)      It generates gainful employment opportunities. Advertisement generates gainful employment opportunities both directly and indirectly.

3)      It provides new horizons of knowledge. It improves the knowledge, language and style of the people.

4)      It provides a regular source of income to newspapers. It has been estimated that nearly 80% of the income of newspapers and magazines is secured through advertisements. In its absence, the newspapers and magazines would have become very costly and beyond the reach of people at large.

5)      It transforms culture of a nation. The basis of advertising is the taste of the public, its social customs and its culture. It influences the fashions, tastes, habits, attitudes and likes and dislikes, etc. of the society at large.

6)      It acts as a barometer of a nation’s economic growth. Advertising promotes healthy competition and provides better quality goods at cheaper rates to the society.

14. Is advertising a social waste? Give your views? Or What are the limitations of advertisement?         2014

Ans: Several objections have been raised against advertising and some people criticize advertising as a social waste. The main point of criticism is as follows:-

a)      Creates Monopoly in the Market: Advertisement leads to promotion and cover mass level of customers at a time. Large firms can bear the advertisement expenditure but not the small firms, due to that it can eliminate the small firms from the market and creates its monopoly authority in the market.

b)      Higher the Prices of Product: Investment of money in advertisement leads to increase in the price of goods and services for which consumer has to face high prices and pay for it. Hence, more the advertisement cost- more the product cost.

c)       Misleading the consumers: Now days, advertisement misleads the consumers on false representation regarding their goods. Consumer attracts to those goods which are not necessary for them. Thus, advertisement misleads the consumer and sale goods to them.

d)      Wasteful Consumption by the Consumers: Advertisement attracts the consumers for wasteful products which are not necessary for consumers. Due to advertisement businessmen takes undue advantage from them. They sale unhealthy and artificial goods to them and exploits consumer emotions.

e)      Wastage of National Resources: There will be wastage of national resources, valuable stationary, time and energy used by the people or is ignored by them. Here, Valuable resources that can be used to create new industries are wasted in the production of needless varieties and designs.

15. What is personal selling? What are its features? What are the qualities of a good salesman? Explain the importance of personal selling to customers?                                 2016

Ans: Personal selling is the act of presenting of product or services so that the consumer appreciate the need for it and mutually satisfactory sales follows.

Features of Personal selling:

a)      Personal contact is established under personal selling.

b)      Oral conversation.

c)       Quick solution of queries.

d)      Receipt of Additional Information.

e)      Development of relationship.

Qualities of a Good salesman:

a)      Physical Qualities : Physical qualities include personality health, stamina and tolerance

b)      Mental Qualities: These include mainly skill, mental alertness, imagination and self confidence.

c)       Social Qualities: These include social-abilities tact, sound character, and sweet nature.

d)      Vocational Qualities: It includes mainly knowledge of product, knowledge of competitive product, training and aptitude.

Importance of Personal Selling:

Personal selling plays a very important role in marketing of goods and services. It is important tool for businessmen, customers and society.

a)      Importance to Businessmen: Personal selling is an important tool to increase the sale. It is important for businessman due to following reasons:

Ø  Effective Promotion Tool: Personal selling is an effective tool to increase the sale of product. Salesmen explain the merits and products to customers.

Ø  Flexible Tool: Personal selling efforts can be changed according to the type of customer salesmen are attending. They may change the offer in varying purchase situations.

Ø  Minimum Wastage of Efforts: As compared to other methods of promotion in personal selling the wastage of efforts is minimum.

Ø  Relationship: Personal selling helps to create lasting relationship between customers and sales-persons which help in increasing sale. 

b)      Importance to Customers: Personal selling is very important from customer’s point of view, as customers can get required information about the product from customers. Customers are benefits by personal selling in the following ways:

Ø  Helps in Identifying Needs: Salesmen help the customers to discover their needs and wants and they also help customers to know how these needs and wants can be satisfied.

Ø  Latest Market Information: In personal selling salesmen provide information regarding the new products available in market, uses of those products etc.

Ø  Expert Advice: Customers can get expert advice and guidance in purchasing various goods and services.

Ø  Induces Customers: Personal selling induces customers to buy products for satisfying their needs.

c)       Importance to Society: Personal selling brings following positive effects for society:

Ø  Converts Latest Demand into Effective Demand: Personal selling create effective demand which results in increasing sale and more income.

Ø  Employment Opportunities: Unemployed youth can work as salesman and earn their livelihood.

Ø  Career Opportunities: Personal selling offers attractive career with job satisfaction and security.

Ø  Mobility of Sales Persons: Sales people move from one place to other, this promotes travel and tourism industry.

Ø  Product Standardization: With the help of personal selling there can be uniformity of consumption by supplying standardized products.

16. What is Sales Promotion? Mention its merits and demerits.

Ans: Sales Promotion: Sales promotion refers to short term use of incentives or other promotional activities that stimulate the customer to buy the product. Sales promotion techniques are very useful because they bring short and immediate effect on sale.

Merits of sales promotion:

a)      Attention values: The incentives offered in sales promotion attract attention of the people.

b)      Useful in new product launch: The sales promotion techniques are very helpful in introducing the new product as it induces people to try new products.

c)       Synergy in total promotion efforts: Sales promotion activities supplement advertising and personal selling efforts of the company.

d)      Aid to other promotion tools: Sales promotion technique make other promotion techniques more effective. Salesmen find it easy to sell products on which incentives are available.

Demerits of sales promotion:

a)      Reflect crisis: If a firm is offering sales promotion techniques again and again it indicates that there is no demand of product which can create crisis situation.

b)      Spoil product image: Use of sales promotion tool may affect the image of product as buyer feel that product is of low quality that is why firm is offering incentives.

17. Explain sales promotion techniques/Model: (a) Rebate (b) Product combination (c) Lucky Draw (d) Contest (e) Discounts 2012

Ans: (a) Rebate: - Sometimes, the product is made available at special prices less than the original prices for a limited period of time, e.g., recently Coke and Pepsi announced special price of their 500 ml bottles.

(b) Product Combination: - Product combination is the bonus items given free with the purchase of a product. For e.g. A milk shakers along with Nescafe, or mugs with Bourn vita or a diary along with a packet of chips. They are effective in getting consumers to try a new product.

(c ) Lucky Draw:- A firm of purchased of a fixed amount gives a coupon to a customer which entitles them for a lucky draw, e.g., Bikanerwala restaurant in particular season gives lucky draw coupon on purchase of Rs. 200 or more to its customers which entitles them to win exciting prizes like car etc.

(d) Contests: - In these, consumer’ are required to participate in some competitive event involving application of skills or luck and winners are given some rewards. For instance, Golden Harvest, maker of premium bread usually has children drawing competition.

(e) Discounts: - These are like price promotion in which certain percentage of price is reduced as discount from the list price, e.g., most of the retailers of garment like Snow White and Shopper’s Stop offer their product at generous discount during a limited period at the end of the season.

18. Differentiate between advertising and personal selling.                       2019



Personal Selling


These are Personal.

These are impersonal.


These are uniformity of message which means that the message is the same for the entire customer.

This message has no uniformity which means it can be changed keeping in view the behavior of the customer.


It lacks flexibility.

It is completely flexible.


It is relatively less costly method.

These are a most costly method.


It takes a little time in conveying any information to the customer.

It takes more time in conveying any

information to the customer.


TV, radio, newspaper & magazine.

Through salesman.


This gives no information about the

reaction of the customer.

The reaction of the customer becomes immediately affect.

19. Distinguish between advertising and publicity.                         2018, 2020

Ans: Difference between advertising and publicity





The activity of generating advertisements of products and services to commercialize them is known as Advertising.

The activity of providing information about an entity, i.e. a product, an individual or a company to make it popular is known as Publicity.

Given by

It is done by company and its representative.

It is done by third party.


It is a paid form of communication.

It is unpaid form of communication.

Credibility and reliability

Credibility and reliability is more as compared to publicity.

 Credibility and reliability is less.


There is complete control over advertisement.

There is no control over publicity.

20. Distinguish between advertising and Sales Promotion.

Ans: Difference between advertising and sales promotion



Sales promotion


The activity of generating advertisements of products and services to commercialize them is known as Advertising.

Sales promotion refers to short term use of incentives or other promotional activities that stimulate the customer to buy the product.


It is permanent strategy.

It is a limited time promotion strategy.


It is highly expensive.

It is cost effective.

Best suited for

It is best suited for medium and big enterprises.

It is suitable for all enterprises.


Its main objective is to build brand image and boosting sales.

Its main objective is short term sales push.

21. What is meant by channel of distribution? What are its various types? What are the factors affecting choice of channel of distribution?                2013,

Ans: A channel of distribution is an organised net-work or a system of agencies and institutions which, in combination, perform all the activities required to link producers with users and users with producers to accomplish the marketing task.

According to Philip Kotler, “The distribution is the set of all firms and individuals that assist in the transferring the little of goods and services as they move from producers to customers.”

Types of Channels of Distribution:

A. Zero-level channel (producer to consumer): It is also called as direct marketing or direct selling. This channel consists of the producer who directly sells his products to the ultimate consumers. This is the shortest, simplest, and cheapest form of distribution. Producers are benefited by increased profit, whereas consumers are benefited by reduced price. This is possible because it eliminates the middleman completely. With the development of sophisticated and efficient retailing like supermarkets, chain-stores, automatic selling machine is financially sound follow this channel of distribution. For products like jewelry and industrial goods like machinery, this is the best channel.

B. One-Level Channel (Producers -> Retailers -> Consumers or producers ->Wholesalers -> Consumers): This is a short channel where the manufacturer may himself perform some of the wholesaler. This is considered to be the best channel as it eliminates some of the marketing intermediaries and at the same time gets advantages of inclusion of retailers. In case of perishable goods, this is the best channel. When there is large scale promotion, inelastic demand and when manufactures are financially sound this channel is preferred.

C. Two-Level Channel (Manufactures -> Wholesalers -> Retailers -> Consumers): This is the traditional channel. It is more useful in the case of buyers, sellers, and manufactures who operate in small scale. The manufacturer sells his products in large quantities to a wholesaler who in turn sells in small quantities to retailers and finally retailers sell to ultimate consumers. Products which have low unit value and which are purchased frequently may be distributed through this channel.

D. Three Level Channel (Manufactures -> Wholesalers -> Agents  -> Retailers ->   Consumers): In this method manufactures appoint agent such as consignees to sell their products. It is preferable for exporters or MNCs.

Factors Affecting the Selection of the Channel of Distribution

A. Factors Pertaining to the Product: The following factors concerning the product, affect the selection of the channel of distribution: (1)   Price of the Product. (2)   Perishability. (3)   Size and Weight. (4)   Technical Nature. (5)   Goods Made to Order. (6)   After-Sales Service.

B. Factors pertaining to the Consumer or Market: The following are the main elements concerned with the consumer or the market: (1)   Number of Customers. (2)   Expansion of the Consumers. (3)   Size of the Order. (4)   Objective of Purchase. (5)   Need of the Credit Facilities.

 C. Factors Pertaining to the Middlemen: The following are the main factors concerned with the middlemen: (1)   Services Provided by Middlemen. (2)   Scope or Possibilities of Quantity of Sales. (3)   Attitude of Agents towards the Producers' Policies. (4)   Cost of Channel of Distribution.

D. Factors Pertaining to the Producer Or Company: The following factors, concerning the producer, affect the selection of the channel of distribution: (1)   Level of Production. (2)   Financial Resources of the Company (3)   Managerial Competence and Experience.

E. Other Factors (1)   Distribution Channel of Competitors. (2)   Social Viewpoint (3) Freedom of Altering.

22. What is physical distribution of goods? Mention its components. Explain the role of physical distribution.  2016

Ans: Physical Distribution of Goods: The channels of distribution are used by the firms to make the goods available at right place in right quantity. Whenever customer visits the market he expects all the goods and services he desires must be available there and these are made available in the market by producers with the use of various intermediaries. Physical distribution involves physical handling and movement of goods from place of production to the place of consumption. Physical distribution is also known as logistic management. In commercial sense it means the activities and decisions concerned with efficient movements of products and services.

Decisions in Physical Distribution/Components of Physical Distribution: There are four major activities involved in physical distribution of goods. There are the four major decisions which management has to take while providing physical distribution service:

a)      Order Processing: Order processing means the time and steps involved between taking order from customer and delivery of goods as per order. There is direct relation between the time taken in order processing and satisfaction of customer. Fast order processing gives more satisfaction to customer but this involves cost of maintaining sufficient inventory etc.

b)      Warehousing: Whatever is produced is not sold off immediately. Therefore every company needs to store the finished goods until they are sold in the market. Storage of goods is necessary because some goods like crops are seasonal in production but are demanded throughout the year so these have to be stored for supplying throughout the year.

c)       Inventory Planning and Control: Inventory refers to the stock of products a firm has on hand and ready for sale to customers. Inventories are kept to meet market demands promptly. Inventory is the link interconnecting the customer’s orders and the company’s production activity. Infact the entire physical distribution management rotates around the inventory management. Inventory management is the heart of the game of physical distribution. Marketing managers undertake an inventory planning to develop adequate assortments of products for the target market and also try to control the costs involved in obtaining and maintaining inventory.

d)      4. Communications: It is a process of passing information and understanding from one person to another. This includes the information system which should link producers, intermediaries, and customers. Computers, memory systems, display equipment and other communication technology facilitate the flow of information among other members in the channel.

e)      5. Organisational Structure: The person in charge of the physical distribution should co-ordinate all Activities into an effective system to provide the desired customer service in the most efficient manner. Examples of organizational consideration are: (i) How can the five elements of physical distribution best be co­ordinated so that a team effort results? How can compartmentalization thinking be avoided? (ii) If a central head is established to direct all physical distribution activities, to whom should he report—The Head of the Marketing or The Chief Executive Officer?

f)       Transportation: Transportation as the last component of distribution system. Transportation means physical movement of goods from place of production to place where they are required. Transportation adds value to the goods by moving them to place where these are required for example, Tea plantation is done in Darjeeling, Gangtok, Assam etc. but these are transported all over the country and the value of tea is much higher in other parts of country as compared to the place of production. There are various means of transportation available i.e. Rail, Road, Air, Pipeline, Water transport etc.

Significance or Importance of Physical Distribution Management:

The physical distribution of goods has assumed great importance particularly in recent years, because of the ever increasing competition for markets. The importance of physical distribution lies in the following directions:

1. It Creates Utilities Of Time And Place: By making available a product at the place where and when it is needed.

2. It Accounts For A Major Portion Of Marketing Costs: According to one estimate, physical distribution costs constitute as much 60% of the total marketing cost. Physical distribution is a very important area for cost savings. Over the years, in most businesses, physical distribution costs have grown into a sizeable portion of the total costs. Surprisingly, physical distribution despite being an important cost area has remained one of the neglected areas for cost reduction. 

3. Bigger Share in the National Wealth: It represents large share in the national wealth in the form of facilities—rail, road, trucks, highways, aircrafts, ship, docking facilities, pipelines, storage facilities and equipment.

4. Specialisation It Facilitates Geographic Specialization: Each area produces goods that its natural resources, climate or pool of manpower resources enable it to produce more efficiently.

5. Determines Standard Of Living: This is so because proper distribution of products makes them available to a large number of people, at a relatively lower cost. Thus it can be said that physical distribution directly affects sales, customer service and satisfaction, and costs.