Business Communication Question Papers 2013 (November)
Dibrugarh University B.Com 1st Sem (Non-CBCS)
COMMERCE (General/Speciality)
Course: 101 (Business Communication - I)
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 24

1. Select the right alternative: 1x4=4
(a) Upward flow aid downward
flow of messages constitute
(i) Vertical
(ii) Horizontal
(iii) Diagonal
(b) The first and foremost
objective of any communication is
(i) To Inform
(ii) To
(iii) To
facilitate decision-making
(c) For successful presentation,
the first stage is
(i) Taking
control of the audience
(ii) Exercising
(iii) Preparation
of the material
(d) For effective listening, it
is necessary to have
(i) Positive
(ii) Ability to
(iii) Positive
attitude and ability to concentrate
2. Find out which of the
following statements are true or false: 1x4=4
(a) The vertical channel of
communication is used much more frequently in most organisations than the
horizontal channel.
(b) Effective speaking rests on
three pillars – verbal, visual and vocal.
(c) Kinesics is the spatial
nonverbal language.
(d) Data transmission through
e-mail is both instantaneous and cost-effective.
3. Write answers to the
following questions in about 100 words each: 4x4=16
(a) Write a note on the
importance of feedback in the communication process.
(b) List any four physical
barriers to communication of messages at transmission level.
(c) Explain briefly the
principles of effective speech.
(d) Account for the importance
of listening to customers’ complaint in business organisations.
4. (a) What do you understand by
the term “Communication”? Briefly describe the process of communication. 3+8=11
(b) Enumerate any four purposes
of communication. Give reasons for the growing importance of communication in
modern business organisations. 4+7=11
5. (a) Describe briefly the
communication network of modern business organisations. 10
(b) Enumerate briefly five
barriers to written communication and five barriers to oral communication. 5+5=10
6. (a) What do you mean by
three-stage process of presentation? Account for the importance of the vocal
and visual aspects in making presentation effective. 3+8=11
(b) Differentiate between “a
speech” and “a presentation”. Write briefly about the characteristics of good
speech. 2+9=11
7. (a) What is meant by body
language? Write an illustrative note on postures, gestures, attire and
appearance as facets of body language. 3+8=11
(b) Distinguish between “Listening”
and “Hearing”. Give reasons for the importance of listening skill in business
communication. 2+9=11
8. (a) What are the advantages
of using internet in modern business communication? Describe various steps to
be followed for sending e-mail through Internet. 5+8=13
(b) In what ways do cultural
differences across different regions and countries manifest themselves? Suggest
five tips for developing intercultural communication skills. 8+5=13
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