1. (a) Discuss the
difference between HRM and Personnel
Management. Why HRM is considered as process of evolution? Explain.
(b) Discuss the changing role of
Human Resource Management after globalization.
2. (a) Discuss the
process of selection with a suitable model.
(b) “Training and development is
a function of HRM, attaining competency level is a subject matter of HRD.” Do
you agree with the statement? ?justify.
3. (a) Discuss
the merits and demerits of different types of wage payments.
(b) Do you think ‘seniority’
should be the beach mark for promotion of ‘performance”? Justify with
4. (a) Discuss the
suitable managerial technique that you would like to design to increase the motivation
level of a set of heterogeneous group of employees.
(b) Critically argue the role of
personality in an effective communication.
5. (a) Discuss the
suitable process to maintain personnel records and statistics thereof in an
organization having large number of Blue collar employees.
(b) What is HR Audit? Do you think that HR Audit
is more effective than that of Audit of Financial Resources? Justify.