The word motivation is derived
from ‘motive', which means an active form of a desire, craving or need that
must be satisfied. Motivation is the key to organizational effectiveness. The
manager in general has to get the work done through others. These 'others' are
human resources who need to be motivated to attain organizational objectives.
According to George R. Terry,
"Motivation is the desire within an individual that stimulates him or her
to action."
to Berelson and Steiner “A motive is an inner state that energizes activates, or moves and
directs or channels behavior goals".
to Lills "It is the stimulation of any emotion or desire operating
upon one's will and promoting or driving it to action".
According to Encyclopedia of
Management "Motivation refers to
the degree of readiness of an organism to pursue some designated goals and
implies the determination of the nature and locus of force inducing a degree of
Nature of Motivation
Motivation is a psychological phenomenon
which generates within an individual. A person feels the lack of certain needs,
to satisfy which he feels working more. The need satisfying ego motivates a
person to do better than he normally does. From definitions given earlier the
following inferences can be derived:
a) Motivation
is an inner psychological force, which activates and compels the person to
behave in a particular manner.
b) The
motivation process is influenced by personality traits, learning abilities,
perception and competence of an individual.
c) A
highly motivated employee works more efficiently and his level of production
tends to be higher than others.
d) Motivation
originates from the-needs and wants of an individual. It is a tension of
lacking something in his mind, which forces him to work more efficiently.
e) Motivation
is also a process of stimulating and channelizing the energy of an individual
for achieving set goals.
f) Motivation
also plays a crucial role in determining the level of performance. Highly
motivated employees get higher satisfaction, which may lead to higher
g) Motivating
force an^ its degree, may differ from individual to individual depending on his
personality, needs, competence and other factors.
h) The
process of Motivation helps the manager in analyzing and understanding human
behavior and finding but how an individual can be inspired to produce desirable
working behavior.
Motivation may be positive as well
as negative. Positive motivation includes incentives, rewards and other
benefits while negative motivation implies some punishment, fear, use of force
The motivation procedure
contributes to and boosts up the morale of the employees. A high degree of
motivation may lead to high morale.
Importance of Motivation
a) High Performance: - Motivated employee’s writ put maximum efforts for achieving
organizational goals. The untapped reservoirs of physical and mental abilities
are taped to the maximum. Better performance will also result in higher
productivity. The cost of production can also be brought down if productivity
is raised.
b) Low employee Turnover and
Absenteeism: -When
the employees are not satisfied with their job then they will leave it whenever
they get an alternative offer. The dissatisfaction among employees also
increases absenteeism. The employment training of new employees costs dearly to
the organization.
c) Better Organizational Images: -Those enterprises which offer better monetary and non-monetary
facilities to their employees have a better image among them. Such concerns are
successful in attracting better qualified and experienced persons. Since there
is a better man-power to development programme, the employees will like to join
such organizations. Motivational efforts will simplify personnel functions
d) Better Industrial Relations: -A good motivational system will create job satisfaction among
employees. The employment will offer them better service conditions and various
other incentives. There will be an atmosphere of confidence among employers and
employees. There will be no reason for conflict and cordial relations among
both sides will create a healthy atmosphere. So motivation among employees will
lead to better industrial relations.
e) Acceptability to Change: -The changing social an industrial situations will require changes
and improvements in the working of enterprises. There will be a need to
introduce new and better methods of work from time to time. Generally employees
resist changes for fear of an adverse effect on their employment.